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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-11 17:02
[Abstract]:As a common phenomenon in poetry, it is also a common artistic technique used by ancient poets. History is good at the use of many poets, du Mu is one of the best. The use of allusions can not only make the sentences concise, but also increase the cultural background of poetry, and can repose the author's thoughts and feelings, and can also be refined into a poetic style. Every poet has different characteristics of his poems because of his different ideological personality, his age, his preference in writing and so on. This article takes du Mu's poetry as the research object, systematically combs the allusions in du Mu's poems, classifies them, induces the characteristics of their use, and analyzes the relationship between the use of the classic and du Mu's thoughts, and the supplement of the use of the classic to du's poetry. Based on this, this paper will discuss from the introduction and four chapters. The introduction part expounds the research background of the article, the general introduction to the criteria of selecting poems and allusions, which leads to the present research situation of du Mu's poetry, and then discusses the significance, purpose and methods of the study of du Mu's poems. In order to lay the foundation of the following research. The text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter classifies the allusions used in du Mu's poems and classifies them into two categories. This paper analyzes the usage of the canon, the history books, the hundreds of schools of thought, and the usage of the literary poetry and prose. It is divided into political figures, quack figures, female characters and fables, fairy myths. The artistic origin of du Mu's poetry and his attitude towards people and affairs can be explored through the investigation of matter and language. In the second chapter, on the basis of combing and classifying the allusions in the first chapter, the author concludes the characteristics of du Mu's use of the classic, that is, the characteristics of using numerous and dense codes, using the first and multiple purposes, integrating the two codes, and so on, regardless of reason and fact, and so on. This is the author's own skills and artistic personality of the show. The third and fourth chapters are the main part of the thesis, which respectively discusses the relationship between du Shi's canon and du Mu's thoughts, and the deepening of du's poetry art. Du Mu's tendency to take the code has a profound connection with his ideological disposition. Du Mu is able to express his own straight personality with the allusions of the people who are just straight. The code of recluse and famous people contains the hidden contradiction of du Mu's official position, and his military thoughts are deeply embedded in the code of military generals. The allusions of historical women show du Mu's concern for women. The artistic aspects of du's poems, such as the method of poetry, the pouring of poetry emotion and the realistic meaning of poetry, all have different degrees of supplement to du's poetry. Through the study of du Shi's classic, we can understand du Mu's ideological personality and artistic style more comprehensively and deeply, which is the main purpose of this paper.


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