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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-11 03:10
[Abstract]:Tibetan contemporary novels have not only changed their ideas under the new historical conditions, but also been guided by the new world outlook, space-time view, and values. The writers of the new period have new ways of perceiving and grasping the world and the nation and expressing themselves in art, so the Tibetan contemporary novels in the new period have produced new aesthetic principles. These principles inherit and innovate the national, Chinese, western, ancient and modern literature, and are formed, developed, evolved, mature and immature. In this paper, the author tries to find out the origin and development of Tibetan contemporary novels by reading them carefully and studying them in the course of history. It also shows the rich complexity of Tibetan contemporary novels' ideological trend and aesthetic art form. We should not only sum up the great achievements in the creation of Tibetan contemporary novels, but also pay attention to the twists and turns and immature factors, point out experiences and lessons, integrate criticism and introspection, and strive to be conducive to the further development and prosperity of Tibetan literature. Tibetan contemporary writers link up with the development of the world literary trend through Chinese. First of all, they accept the method of realistic literature creation and try to explore the plot pattern of "character-event". Break through the traditional Tibetan novels with dialogue as the main way of writing. Then with the continuous expansion of the creator's vision, the perspective of life or the soul of the characters, or creative methods and expression techniques have been widely valued and used. In the process of use for reference, there are winners, but also immature, mixed good and bad. We should not only point out the achievements of art form from the historical point of view, but also point out the deficiencies to be perfected and the deep reasons behind it from the perspective of theory, so as to serve as a reference and guide for future creation. In the early stage of Tibetan contemporary literature development, the content of novels is relatively simple and the form of expression is relatively simple. Since the 1990s, with the accumulation of Tibetan contemporary literary creation experience and the deepening of literary accomplishment, the creation of Tibetan contemporary novels has gradually turned to concern for people's survival, cultural roots and exploration of human nature. The artistic expression method is influenced by many Chinese and western literary creation methods, Tibetan contemporary novel creation presents richness and diversification. We should make great use of the writing method of character shaping, the writing technique of realism, and the creative method of magic realism, etc., this thesis mainly from these change angle, This paper focuses on the development of Tibetan contemporary literature in the past thirty years.


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