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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-28 16:07
[Abstract]:The novel "Lin Hai Xueyuan" is an outstanding representative work of 17 years literature. Since its publication, it has been widely loved by readers with high revolutionary enthusiasm and romantic imagination, and has been quickly adapted into literary works of various styles after publication. In the 60 years since its publication, the number of its adapted texts and its forms are almost unprecedented, and there are still literary and artistic creators interested in it. The first chapter discusses the features of different forms of texts for the transformation of theme and core ideas in the process of text adaptation from the point of view of the theme of "the Snowyuan of the Forest Sea". The original intention of the novel "Lin Hai Xueyuan" originates from the strong desire of the creators to stand for their comrades and revolutionary heroes, while the 1960 film emphasizes the great influence of collective heroism on the revolution. Its theme spirit has changed from praise of heroism to praise of class struggle, but since the new century, it has gone through the deconstruction of heroism in 2004 edition TV series and depoliticization of heroism in 2014 edition 3D movies. Under the theme of heroism, there are different interpretations of heroism in different texts because of the great differences in cultural background. The expression of text theme is closely related to the change of text art form and their historical and cultural context, and also has a subtle influence on the value orientation of people in specific times. In the second chapter, the characters are the core of the text, which embodies the attitude of the times to the heroes and the understanding of the revolution. This paper probes into the main characters Shao Jianbo (203), Yang Zirong and the negative figures such as mountain carvings and butterflies, and finds out the changes and reasons of these characters in the process of text adaptation. In addition, the author analyzes the important roles of the new characters, such as Changbao and daughter, bandits old Beifeng and Qinglian embolism mother and child, and explores the reason and value of their existence. From the establishment of dualistic opposite characters in the early adaptation works to the blurring of the boundary between the good and evil characters since the new century, due to the development of the times or the orientation of the creators, the text presents more and more complex and pluralistic characteristics to the shaping of the main characters. The third and fourth chapters are based on the first and second chapters. The third chapter starts with the narrative strategies of different texts and analyzes in detail the changes in space-time arrangement plot design and rhythm control of different texts. Chapter four discusses the specific rhetorical devices and the evolution of symbolic elements in the text from the two aspects of rhetoric and symbol. If it is said that the characterization and thematic interpretation of the text are carried out from the specific content of the text, then the narrative strategy, rhetoric and symbolic elements of the text are analyzed from the aspect of the form of the text. To explore how the text uses to shape characters and clarify the theme. The form of text is closely related to the content of text and has its relative independence, which forms an important aspect of text aesthetics. By exploring the different characteristics in the course of the text evolution, this paper explores the commonness and difference between the texts, and then analyzes the deep reasons behind the "change" and "invariance". For the future adaptation of the Red Classic should be a certain degree of answer.


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