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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-27 21:12
[Abstract]:In the introduction part, the author briefly explains the reason, the present research situation, the research thought and the method of this thesis: because no scholar has carried on the thorough systematic research to the Ming Dynasty Guizhou rural trial strategy theory article until now, Therefore, the author hopes to be able to carry on the preliminary discussion through this article. The main part of this thesis includes the following four aspects: first, the origin and evolution of policy theory. In this part, the author first makes a comprehensive statement of the emergence and development history of game theory, and then expounds the characteristics and influence of game theory, which provides a theoretical basis for the later research. Second, the origin of Guizhou rural trial in Ming Dynasty. In this part, the author focuses on the situation that Guizhou did not have the right to open a section alone for more than a hundred years before and after the establishment of the province, as well as the process of Guizhou being able to open the Wei Xiang trial through the efforts of Tian Qiu and Wang Xing. In order to explain the Ming Dynasty Guizhou Township trial strategy to ask the historical background. Third, the Ming Dynasty Guizhou township trial strategy. This part is the core of this paper. The author classifies the contents of Guizhou rural trial strategy in Ming Dynasty: time policy, historical strategy and general strategy. And to each aspect to cite a number of specific strategies and countermeasures to begin to discuss. Fourth, the enlightenment to the modern Guizhou civil servant examination in the Ming Dynasty. In this part, through the example to highlight the Ming Dynasty Guizhou rural trial policy on the three enlightenment to the contemporary Guizhou civil servant examination. Finally, in the part of "conclusion", the author briefly summarizes the significance of the study on the rural trial and policy of Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty, and expresses the author's hope that this paper can play an important role in guiding the development of the rural areas in the Ming Dynasty. Let more scholars pay attention to the study of the Ming Dynasty Guizhou township trial strategy.


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