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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-26 17:01
【摘要】:墨遺萍是當(dāng)代蒲劇界一位比較重要的劇作家,他一生勤于筆耕,著作頗豐,創(chuàng)作了二十五個(gè)蒲劇劇本。同時(shí)墨遺萍也是蒲劇界首屈一指的戲劇理論家,其《蒲劇史魂》對蒲州梆子的形成、發(fā)展、興盛、衰落等作了大量的調(diào)查、記錄與考證,是研究蒲州梆子的重要史料。除此之外,他首開蒲劇田野調(diào)查之風(fēng),記錄、整理大量寶貴資料,為地方戲的研究提供借鑒。然而由于種種原因,其劇作長期以來沒有得到應(yīng)有的重視,研究者未能展現(xiàn)其劇作的成就,沒有對其進(jìn)行全面深入的研究。故本文試圖全面關(guān)照其生平、劇作及蒲劇史,并以劇作為中心,深入挖掘其劇作的主題思想,揭示成因。 在緒論部分,筆者首先綜述了對墨遺萍相關(guān)研究的歷程。至今,對他的研究大多是一些懷念性的,評價(jià)也多不夠全面,尤其是其劇作幾乎無人做進(jìn)一步的整理和研究。主體部分從以下四個(gè)部分逐層進(jìn)行論述。第一部分,生平考述。墨遺萍深受墨子“利天下而為之”思想的影響,積極參加革命活動(dòng),在從事文藝工作之后,能夠通過戲曲來反映自己對社會(huì)的認(rèn)知,激勵(lì)鼓舞著人民群眾。第二部分,新編歷史故事戲研究。墨遺萍一生創(chuàng)作十六部新編歷史故事戲,根據(jù)劇作內(nèi)容分為民族矛盾劇、反奸除壞劇、愛國劇、勵(lì)志劇、止戰(zhàn)劇、抗?fàn)巹。第三部分,現(xiàn)代戲研究。墨遺萍共創(chuàng)作了九個(gè)現(xiàn)代戲,依據(jù)劇作所反映的時(shí)代問題分為教育劇、抗戰(zhàn)劇與階級斗爭劇,從中感受文藝“工具論”的特點(diǎn)。第四部分,墨遺萍對蒲劇史的研究。首先墨遺萍對蒲劇史開拓性的研究,從蒲劇的形成、蒲劇的特色以及雅與俗的認(rèn)識三方面概括《蒲劇史魂》的意義。其次墨遺萍進(jìn)行蒲劇田野調(diào)查,搜集整理了蒲劇資料大量寶貴資料。最后在結(jié)語部分,,概括了墨遺萍對蒲劇的貢獻(xiàn)。 本文通過墨遺萍生平及其劇作的全面展示與分析,深入挖掘其劇作所蘊(yùn)涵的思想及藝術(shù)閃光點(diǎn),肯定了他在蒲劇界的歷史地位及價(jià)值,對蒲劇劇作家的研究作了必要的補(bǔ)充。
[Abstract]:Mo Yiping is a relatively important playwright in the field of contemporary pu opera. At the same time, Mo Yi Ping is also the leading drama theorist in the field of pu opera. His "Soul of Puju Opera History" has made a large number of investigations into the formation, development, prosperity and decline of Pu Zhou Bangzi, and has been recorded and verified, which is an important historical data for the study of Pu Zhou Bangzi. In addition, he first opened the style of field research, records, collates a lot of valuable information, for the study of local drama to provide reference. However, due to various reasons, his plays have not received due attention for a long time, the researchers failed to show their achievements, and did not conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study of them. Therefore, this paper attempts to take full account of his life, drama and the history of Po drama, and take the drama as the center, deeply excavate the theme thought of his drama, and reveal the cause of formation. In the introduction part, the author first summarizes the process of the related research on Mo Yi Ping. Up to now, most of his studies are nostalgic, and the evaluation is not comprehensive enough, especially because few of his plays have been further collated and studied. The main part is discussed from the following four parts. The first part is about life history. Deeply influenced by Mozi's thought of "benefiting the world", Mo Ying-ping took an active part in the revolutionary activities, and after engaging in literary and artistic work, she was able to reflect her own understanding of society through drama and inspire the masses of the people. The second part, the new history story drama research. According to the content of the drama, Mo Yiping created 16 new historical drama, which were divided into national contradiction drama, anti-traitorous drama, patriotic drama, inspirational drama, war drama and protest drama. The third part, the modern drama research. Mo Ying-ping has created nine modern plays, which can be divided into educational drama, anti-Japanese drama and class struggle drama according to the time problems reflected in the plays, from which he can feel the characteristics of "tool theory" of literature and art. The fourth part, Mo Yi Ping's research on the history of pu opera. First of all, Mo Yiping's research on the pioneering nature of the history of Pu Drama summarizes the significance of "the Soul of the History of Pu Drama" from three aspects: the formation of the Pu Opera, the characteristics of the Pu Opera and the understanding of elegance and vulgarity. Secondly, Mo Yi Ping conducted a field survey of Puju, collected and collated a large number of valuable data. Finally in the conclusion part, summarized the Mo Yi Ping's contribution to the pu opera. Through the comprehensive display and analysis of Mo Yi Ping's life and his plays, this paper deeply excavates the ideas and artistic flash points contained in his plays, affirms his historical position and value in the field of Pu opera, and makes a necessary supplement to the study of pu drama playwrights.


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6 吳向周;趙樹理與墨遺萍的交往[J];文史月刊;2005年10期




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