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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-23 14:27
[Abstract]:The Qin Dance of Zhou Gong in Qinghua Bamboo slips has yet to provide empirical evidence for the theory of Confucius' deletion of poems. One of the most basic reasons is that it is difficult to prove that Confucius deleted the group of poems, "the piano dance of Zhou Gong." the Book of songs is a carrier of Yin. The official education of Zhou's "elegant language" culture, which conforms to the standard of propriety and righteousness of the Zhou Dynasty, is the ideological basis on which Confucius would not greatly delete the poems of the Book of songs. After the spread of the great popularity of poems in the Spring and Autumn period, Produced a more stable form of text, Confucius will not be innovative, their own will to delete it. In addition, Confucius, whose duty is to restore Zhou rites, does not agree with the image of Confucius in Si Maqian's works of deleting poems, but the one that accords with the image of Confucius is "to say but not to do".
【作者單位】: 北京師范大學中國易學文化研究院;
【基金】:北京市社科基金重點項目“易學思想與儒釋道文化融合”(16ZXA001) 中國博士后科學基金面上資助項目“六經(jīng)認知視野下《易傳》思想的生成”(2017M610794)


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