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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-22 20:23
[Abstract]:Wu Xingzuo's drama activities are of great value and significance to the development of the opera history of Qing Dynasty, which is an indispensable part of the history of opera in Qing Dynasty. Wu Xingzuo was at the peak of the shogunate of Kangxi, and the stability of the social political situation and the common role of the operas of the government staff promoted the prosperity of Wu Xingzuo's plays. Study on Wu Xingzuo's drama activities in the shogunate; Wu Xingzuo was appointed to Wuxi County (from two to fifteen years of Kangxi). During the three periods of the Governor (Kangxi 15-21) and the Governor of Liangguang (Kangxi 21-28 years), Let us to Wu Xingzuo shogunate rich and colorful opera activities have further understanding and understanding. The introduction mainly explains the research object, purpose, significance, research summary and method of this paper. The text is divided into five parts, including Wu Xingzuo's people, Wu Xingzuo's operatic activities in Wuxi Zhixian, the brief situation of Fujian and Liangguang provinces' aides, the drama activities of the two provinces, the reasons for and significance of the prosperity of the shogunate's operas. A systematic display of Wu Xingzuo shogunate opera activities. The first part is the introduction of Wu Xingzuo's life, including his official achievements and official voice, literary literacy and friends. The second part introduces Wu Xingzuo's opera activities in Wuzhi County, including the opera scholars, opera artists and the appreciation experience inside and outside the shogunate. The third part combs the general situation of staff in Fujian and Guangdong, and analyzes the life, time and activities of the officials in the two periods. The fourth part discusses the drama activities of the Guangdong and Guangzhou provinces in detail, including the script creation of the staff, the repertoire, the time, the place, the form and the criticism of the opera. The fifth part is the analysis of the reason and significance of Wu Xingzuo's drama prosperity. The conclusion summarizes the characteristics and significance of Wuxi, Liangguang's opera activities and Fujian and Guangzhou's aides. To analyze its significance in the history of opera in the early Qing Dynasty.


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