

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-19 19:28
【摘要】:“80后”文學(xué)是20世紀(jì)最具影響力的現(xiàn)象之一。與前輩作家通過文學(xué)期刊、評(píng)論家、文學(xué)史來塑造自身文學(xué)形象不同,“80后”作家則憑借與出版社、媒體、讀者的親密關(guān)系解構(gòu)傳統(tǒng)文學(xué)機(jī)制,創(chuàng)辦新銳文學(xué)期刊,打造專屬的發(fā)聲平臺(tái),重新整合當(dāng)代文學(xué)資源。在眾多由“80后”作家擔(dān)任主編的新銳文學(xué)期刊中,張悅?cè)慌c周嘉寧的《鯉》書系以不俗的文化品味受到了廣泛的贊譽(yù)!鄂帯窌凳且槐境錆M代際色彩的文學(xué)期刊,在關(guān)照“80后”群體的心理路程的同時(shí),還為“80后”作家打造了自由、純粹的創(chuàng)作平臺(tái),探索“80后”文學(xué)創(chuàng)作的可能。基于此,本文以《鯉》書系為切入口,重看“80后”的文學(xué)創(chuàng)作之路,并分析走出“青春文學(xué)”后,“80后”作家的文學(xué)新形象。本文第一章梳理了 “80后”的代際特征和成長(zhǎng)背景,點(diǎn)破生活在社會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)型期,且受到消費(fèi)文化、大眾文化浸潤(rùn)的“80后”群體,其價(jià)值觀、文學(xué)觀與前輩相比已然發(fā)生顛覆性改變。第二章將《鯉》書系與傳統(tǒng)文學(xué)期刊進(jìn)行比較,凸顯《鯉》書系在辦刊理念、編輯運(yùn)營(yíng)等方面的新銳性;第三章從私人化寫作、女性作家寫作、青年作家的社會(huì)責(zé)任感三個(gè)維度來探究經(jīng)由《鯉》書系平臺(tái)后,“80后”作家文學(xué)形象的改變;第四章將《鯉》放置于當(dāng)代文學(xué)史視野中進(jìn)行分析,揭示文學(xué)史與《鯉》書系之間存在相互影響的關(guān)系。總之,無論是從文學(xué)期刊的發(fā)展來看,還是從當(dāng)代文學(xué)與文化的發(fā)展來看,《鯉》書系的出現(xiàn)都是一個(gè)突破。張悅?cè)弧⒅芗螌幍取?0后”作家的文學(xué)觀念借助MOOK雜志書的形式呈現(xiàn),為“80前”主編占據(jù)的文學(xué)期刊出版市場(chǎng)注入新鮮血液,且眾“80后”作家圍繞《鯉》書系開展文學(xué)創(chuàng)作,試圖以一己之力打破外界對(duì)于“80后”文學(xué)的固有觀念,并專注于開拓私人化寫作的視野,致力于彰顯女性作家作品魅力,和全身心承擔(dān)青年作家的社會(huì)責(zé)任,打造了 “80后”文學(xué)的新形象。因此,從《鯉》書系出發(fā),探究“80后”文學(xué)的變化與發(fā)展是具有一定研究意義的。
[Abstract]:The post-80s literature is one of the most influential phenomena in the 20 th century. Different from their predecessors in shaping their literary images through literary journals, critics and literary history, the post-80s writers destruct the traditional literary mechanism through the intimate relationship with publishers, media and readers, and establish new and cutting-edge literary journals. To create an exclusive voice platform and reintegrate contemporary literary resources. Among the many new literary journals edited by the post-80s writers, Zhang Yuelan and Zhou Jianning's "Li" books have been widely praised for their good cultural taste. The "Li" book system is a literary journal full of intergenerational color. While taking care of the psychological distance of the post-80s group, it also creates a free and pure creative platform for the post-80s writers to explore the possibility of literary creation. Based on this, this paper takes the book department of "carp" as the entry point, revisits the road of literary creation of "post-80s", and analyzes the new literary image of "post-80s" writers after stepping out of "youth literature". The first chapter of this article combs the generation characteristic and the growth background of the "post-80s", points out that the "post-80s" group, which lives in the social transition period and is infiltrated by consumer culture and popular culture, has its values. Literary views have changed subversely compared with their predecessors. The second chapter compares the book system of "common carp" with the traditional literary periodical, and highlights the new sharpness of "common carp" book department in the aspects of management idea, editing operation and so on. The third chapter explores the changes of the literary image of the "post-80s" writers through the three dimensions of personal writing, female writers' writing, and the social responsibility of young writers. The fourth chapter analyzes the relationship between the history of literature and the book system in the view of contemporary literary history. In short, whether from the development of literary journals or from the development of contemporary literature and culture, the emergence of the book system is a breakthrough. Zhang Yuelan, Zhou Jianning and other "post-80s" writers presented their literary ideas in the form of MOOK magazine books, infusing fresh blood into the literary periodical publishing market occupied by the editor-in-chief of "80's". Moreover, the writers of the "post-80s" have developed their literary creation around the Book Department of "Li" in an attempt to break the inherent concept of the "post-80s" literature by their own efforts, and to concentrate on opening up the field of vision of private writing and to show the charm of the works of female writers and works. And committed to the social responsibility of young writers, to create a new image of "80's" literature. Therefore, it is of certain significance to explore the changes and development of the post-80s literature from the book system of carp.


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4 張悅?cè)?霍艷;;“80后”的文學(xué)對(duì)話——霍艷訪談張悅?cè)籟J];中國(guó)圖書評(píng)論;2013年07期

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6 葉彌杉;;《大方》之死[J];南方人物周刊;2011年39期

7 何映宇;;物價(jià)那點(diǎn)事兒[J];新民周刊;2011年40期

8 郭艷;;代際與斷裂——亞文化視域中的“80后”青春文學(xué)寫作[J];中國(guó)現(xiàn)代文學(xué)研究叢刊;2011年08期

9 黃發(fā)有;;作為流行文化的“偶像書”[J];南方文壇;2011年04期

10 岳雯;;新的文學(xué)法則的生成——青春文學(xué)雜志書的運(yùn)行態(tài)勢(shì)與作家形象建構(gòu)[J];南方文壇;2011年04期

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1 白燁;;“80后”的現(xiàn)狀與未來[A];當(dāng)代文學(xué)研究資料與信息(2005.3)[C];2005年




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