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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-17 09:30
[Abstract]:The Uygur are an ancient, versatile people. Uygur folklore works have a long history and have distinctive national characteristics. One plant and one tree, one flower and one fruit in Xinjiang, there are rich local fragrance and life breath in Uygur folk literature, and then reflect the feelings of Uygur people's hometown. Turpan is an important town on the ancient Silk Road, as a political center and transportation hub of the Western region, history has left many precious cultural relics and monuments. Therefore, Turpan's tourism and Uygur folk works are closely linked. Turpan folklore is one of the most important genres in Uygur folklore and plays an important role in publicizing Uygur traditional folk culture. Therefore, this paper will describe the use and influence of Turpan folklore in tourism industry and the problems existing in the application of folklore. This paper takes the relationship between Turpan folk Uygur legends and local tourism as the research object, mainly from the perspective of cultural communication, local knowledge and folklore inheritance, using field investigation, interview method, observation method, This paper studies the value and changes of Turpan folk Uygur legends in tourism industry, and focuses on the importance of inheritance in the process of application. This thesis consists of three parts. The first part is the introduction, the second part is the text, the third part is the conclusion. In the first part, it mainly discusses the purpose and significance of this thesis, the present situation of the research on the topic of this paper, and the research methods used in this paper. The second part is the text, which is divided into three chapters. Chapter one discusses the folklore of Turpan. This paper discusses the characteristics and classification of Turpan folklore, the collection and arrangement of Turpan folklore, the influence and application of Turpan folklore. The second chapter, tourism and Turpan tourism fact sheet. The concept and classification of tourism, the educational value and significance of tourism, and the advantages of tourism in Turpan are discussed respectively. The third chapter mainly discusses the relationship between Turpan legend and tourism, the application of folklore in Turpan tourism, the social influence of tourism creation, and the source of legend used in tourism. The problems existing in the application of folklore in the tourism industry of Turpan. The third part is the conclusion about the countermeasures of protecting Turpan folklore and tourism industry. In conclusion, the basic contents of the paper are summarized.


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