

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-15 13:23
[Abstract]:Tibetan fable is an important branch of Tibetan literature. It has a long history, various forms, rich contents, various stories and far-reaching influence. However, due to the lack of systematic theoretical system and research team of Tibetan literature, the deep interpretation of this part of literature resources and the pace of multi-perspective research is very slow, and even it has not yet formed a unified name. Therefore, there are many research gaps and room for expansion. Based on the relevant research results at home and abroad, and from the perspective of historical materialism and literary theory, this paper reads a lot of Tibetan fables, and analyzes the origin and forming characteristics of Tibetan fables, the characteristics of ideological content, and the artistic features of language. Social function and value are analyzed and summarized. In the analysis and research strive to achieve considerable, meticulous. Through the study, the author thinks that Tibetan fables have the following characteristics: first, multiple sources. There are fables from myths, legends, Buddhist stories, biographies, exotic cultures and works. There are not only the reflection of life and philosophy, but also the expression of Buddhist thought and transcendence. Third, the artistic features of language are distinct. Language scattered rhyme combination, popular close, plot single twists and turns, character distinct and single; fourth, social role and value is enormous. In the underdeveloped Tibetan areas with underdeveloped school education, on the one hand, it has played a role in cultivating the thinking, observing, language and literary cultivation of both sides by means of telling and telling fable stories. On the other hand, it plays the role of establishing correct and noble outlook on life, values and improving humanistic literacy. It also serves politics, spreads Buddhist ideas, and promotes the development of other literary branches.


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