

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-13 15:52
【摘要】:施蟄存是20世紀(jì)30年代中國(guó)著名的"現(xiàn)代派"小說家,在短暫的10年創(chuàng)作期內(nèi)(1926—1936),施蟄存出版了 5部小說集《上元燈》《將軍的頭》《梅雨之夕》《善女人行品》和《小珍集》。這5部小說集藝術(shù)風(fēng)格多樣(抒情的、寫實(shí)的、超現(xiàn)實(shí)的等),寫作手法新奇(古事重構(gòu)、心理分析、志怪傳奇等),題材涉獵廣泛(鄉(xiāng)村、都市,言情、世情,意識(shí)、潛意識(shí)等),表現(xiàn)出不同的"情調(diào)"與"姿態(tài)"(異域的、本土的,和諧的、變態(tài)的,感性的、理智的等)。在施蟄存的小說中包含抒情的特質(zhì)。論文共包括三部分,各部分內(nèi)容分述如下:第一部分,引言,討論抒情概念,確定論文研究范圍。首先探討晚清、"五四"語境中的抒情概念;其次,總結(jié)抒情在小說文類中的具體內(nèi)涵與外延,以此確定施蟄存小說中抒情的討論對(duì)象;再次,對(duì)施蟄存小說中抒情問題的研究現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行述評(píng),確定論文的研究?jī)?nèi)容及框架。第二部分,包括第一、二、三章,是論文的正文。第一章以施蟄存的鄉(xiāng)土小說為對(duì)象,分析抒情在其中的表現(xiàn),包括"回憶詩(shī)學(xué)"與"晚唐詩(shī)韻"、牧歌與挽歌、愛欲·抒情·傳奇三部分;第二章以施蟄存的都市小說為對(duì)象,討論其中的抒情元素,分為"異域情調(diào)"與"人情傳統(tǒng)"、"都市漫游者"與"都市善女人"、憂郁·苦悶·夢(mèng)三部分;第三章從線性不可逆時(shí)間觀出發(fā),以施蟄存的文學(xué)創(chuàng)作歷程為線索,探討施蟄存小說的"現(xiàn)代性"在文學(xué)思想、藝術(shù)手法上的體現(xiàn),以及抒情現(xiàn)代性之"色情""怪誕"的特質(zhì)。第三部分,結(jié)語?偨Y(jié)全文,并進(jìn)一步指出施蟄存小說創(chuàng)作的"變"(一以貫之的文體實(shí)驗(yàn))與"常"(始終如一的人性書寫),歸納出施蟄存為文、為人的精神基石——"慎獨(dú)"。
[Abstract]:Shi Zhecun is a famous "modernist" novelist in China in the 1930s. During a short period of 10 years (1926-1936), Shi Zhecun was a famous novelist in China. Shi Zhecun published five collections of novels, "Shangyuan Lantern", "the General's head", "the Night of Mei Rain", "good Women's Walk" and "the Collection of Jane". These five novels have a variety of artistic styles (lyrical, realistic, surreal, etc.), novel writing techniques (ancient reconstruction, psychoanalysis, legend, etc.), and a wide range of subjects (rural, urban, emotional, worldly, consciousness, etc.), Subconscious, etc., showing a different "sentiment" and "posture" (exotic, native, harmonious, perverted, perceptual, sensible, etc.). Shi Zhecun's novels contain lyrical qualities. The thesis consists of three parts. The content of each part is as follows: the first part, the introduction, discusses the lyric concept, and determines the scope of the thesis. Firstly, it discusses the lyric concept in the context of the late Qing Dynasty and the May 4th Movement, secondly, summarizes the concrete connotation and extension of lyric in the genre of novels, and then determines the object of lyric discussion in Shi Zhecun's novels. Thirdly, the research status of lyric issues in Shi Zhecun's novels is reviewed, and the content and framework of the thesis are determined. The second part, including the first, second, and third chapters, is the text of the paper. The first chapter takes Shi Zhecun's vernacular novels as the object, analyzes the lyric performance in which, including "memory Poetics" and "late Tang poetry rhyme", pastoral and elegiac, love lyric legend three parts; The second chapter takes Shi Zhecun's urban novels as the object, discusses the lyric elements, including "exotic sentiment" and "human tradition", "urban rover" and "urban good woman", three parts of melancholy and dread dream; The third chapter starts from the view of linear irreversible time, taking Shi Zhecun's literary creation course as the clue, discusses the reflection of the "modernity" in the literary thought and the artistic technique of Shi Zhecun's novel. And lyrical modernity of the "porn" and "grotesque" characteristics. The third part, conclusion. Summing up the full text, and further pointing out that Shi Zhecun's novel "change" (consistent stylistic experiment) and "Chang" (consistent writing of human nature), summed up Shi Zhecun as the text, as the spiritual cornerstone of human beings-"cautious independence".


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