

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-08 15:33
[Abstract]:Yan Yu's "Canglang's Poems" involves the fundamental problem of poetry, namely the essence of poetry, in which "Miao Wu" represents Yan Yu's fundamental views on poetry, so it is regarded as the core theory of "Canglang's Poems". The proposal of "Miao Wu Theory" has been a hit and has been the focus of research in the field of poetry theory up to now. On the basis of synthesizing the previous research materials, this paper adopts some new methods. The aesthetic connotation and aesthetic value of Miao Wu Theory are studied. In the introduction part, according to Yan Yu's life, his character and poetic style are discussed. His poetry theory works Canglang's Poems are highly acclaimed, which has established his position in the history of Chinese aesthetics. There are many studies and studies on Canglang Poems in later generations. This work began to attract the attention of modern scholars in our country. At the beginning of last century, there were three waves of research on Yan Yu's Poems in China, and related works and papers were published. Although the research on the aesthetic connotation of "Miao Wu Theory" is relatively few, there are still different views represented by Guo Shaoyu, Qian Zhongshu, Zhou Laixiang and so on. In the introduction part, several representative views are given, and some new research methods and ideas are put forward to solve these problems. The first chapter aims to explore the ideological background of "Miao Wu Theory" and seek its origin from the historical culture and the text of Canglang Poetry. From the point of view of history and culture, firstly, "Miao Wu Theory" has its rich word meaning foundation and development process, secondly, "Miao Wu Theory" can be said to be the result of interculturality, which is influenced by the combination of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. It has obvious imprint of cultural fusion, and its aesthetic connotation embodies the "effect history" of culture. From the text of Canglang's Poems, it can be inferred that "Miao Wu's Theory" is based on "saying Jiangxi Poetry sickness", the theoretical movement is "using Zen as a metaphor for poetry", and the aesthetic ideal is "poem of the flourishing Tang Dynasty". The second chapter aims to analyze the aesthetic connotation of Miao Wu Theory through its structure system. First of all, another core theory in Canglang's Poems, "interest", is regarded as the Noumenon of "Miao Wu Theory", which embodies the high standard and aesthetic pursuit of Yan Yu's poetic ideal. Secondly, Wu, regarded as the fundamental method of "Miao Wu Theory", as a unique art form, is closely related to poetry. Thirdly, it is regarded as the aesthetic effect of "Miao Wu Theory", which is divided into reality and virtual state, which embodies the pursuit of "Miao Wu Theory". The third chapter analyzes the philosophical basis of "Miao Wu Theory", contrasts the cognitive logic of "Miao Wu Theory" with the logical structure and cognitive style of Chinese traditional culture. The influence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism on the formation of "Miao Wu" is obtained, and the comparison between Zen enlightenment and poetic enlightenment shows that poetic enlightenment is not the root of Zen enlightenment. The fourth chapter systematically combs the influence of Miao Wu Theory on poetic theory and its further development. Starting from the epoch response of the "Miao Wu Theory", it is divided into the influence on the contemporary era and the influence on the later dynasties. In addition, the "Miao Wu Theory" also plays an important role in the construction of the later theories in the aesthetic sense. It plays an important leading role in poetry and even other arts.


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