

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-02 09:39
[Abstract]:Duanmu Hongliang traveled from Hong Kong to Guilin in 1942. After a long period of war, the death of his wife Xiao Hong and the misunderstandings and accusations made him into an unprecedented predicament. At this time, Guilin not only has profound cultural connotation, but also relatively stable environment and relaxed cultural atmosphere attracted a large number of different schools, different backgrounds of cultural experts, become a famous cultural city behind the war. Therefore, Guilin Cultural City not only provides Duanmu Hongliang with a quiet place to heal his wounds, but also, more importantly, Duanmu Hongliang, who has been in contact here with Liu Yazi, Zhu Yinlong, and others, have given him a warm stream of human feelings. At the same time, he also had a subtle influence on his creation. The content and style of the work showed new characteristics, and finally reached the maturity of creation. On the basis of the previous studies, this paper attempts to understand the creation of this period through the close and description of the writer's psychology, and to highlight the new changes and characteristics in the comparison with the previous works. In the study of writers and works, the deeper significance of man and city, literature and redemption is discussed. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the personal dilemma that Duanmu Hongliang faced when he came to Guilin, and the help and influence of Guilin Cultural City and its friends. It belongs to the background of creation and the internal and external reasons of creation change. The second part is the analysis of Duanmu Hongliang's creation theme, text image and expression technique under the mentality of shouting and wandering. It also analyzes the author's search and reexamination of literature and life under the guidance of a kind of return consciousness. This process also is Duanmu Hongliang in experienced life setback, to self deep introspection. The third part is a summary of the significance of creation in this period. These works are not only the further development and maturity of Duanmu Hongliang's entire creative career, reaching the peak of literary and artistic character, but also more important to his salvation. By creating these works, Duanmu Hongliang has given vent to the emotion and pain which are difficult to express in real life, and finally made the spirit free through the way of art redemption, and was able to face the life road after the new posture and courage. On the basis of careful reading of the text, the writer's living environment and psychological state can be restored as much as possible in combination with the local creative background at that time. On the basis of this, it makes an objective and fair evaluation of the works of this period, and makes a modest contribution to the study of the Guilin Cultural City, which has been obscured by its light, in order to correct the author's name, to speak for the works, and to contribute to the study of Guilin Culture City, where the light is obscured. This is the article from the conception to the final document adhere to a point of hope.


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