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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-30 21:10

  本文選題:《隨想錄》 + 《寒夜》。 參考:《中國現代文學研究叢刊》2017年05期

[Abstract]:From September 24 to 25, 2016, sponsored by the Chinese Writers Association, the School of Arts, Hebei normal University, the Ba Jin Research Society, and the Ba Jin residence, The 12 th Ba Jin International Symposium was held in Shijiazhuang Hebei normal University. The seminar will focus on "rereading Ba Jin". This year marks the 30th anniversary of the completion of the draft of "Casual Records". The Ba Jin classics, including "Casual Records" and "Cold Night" and "Recreation Park", need to be "reinterpreted", the potential classics in Ba Jin's creation need to be "rediscovered", and the traditional methods of Ba Jin research are needed. Vision needs to be reviewed again. The seminar received more than 60 academic papers submitted by scholars from Spain, Italy, France, Japan and China.
【作者單位】: 河北師范大學文學院;


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5 鐘懷;;我有三本《隨想錄》[J];群言;1998年08期

6 ;《隨想錄》[J];三角洲;2005年06期

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8 楊虎;;讀《隨想錄》隨想[J];西南金融;2008年01期

9 羅四,




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