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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-29 22:28

  本文選題:文言小說 + 注釋; 參考:《華東師范大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This paper is entitled Annotation of Classical Chinese Fiction, which focuses on the ancient annotated text of Classical Chinese novel. Through combing and investigating the annotated texts of various classical Chinese novels, this paper has a clear grasp and display of the features of the annotated novels, from which the connotations of the history, origin, main contents, value functions and limitations of the annotation of classical Chinese novels are worked out. In this paper, the basic situation of classical Chinese novel annotation is summarized in both directions, and the problems presented in it are discussed further. First of all, the historical development of classical Chinese novel annotation is summarized vertically, and two important periods of classical Chinese novel annotation are obtained. Secondly, horizontally, combined with specific text, Comparing and analyzing the origin of the annotation of classical Chinese novels, and summarizing the contents of the annotation of classical Chinese novels on several basic levels. At the same time, it also pays attention to the individuality of the annotated content of classical Chinese novel beyond the common features of the annotation of ancient books, and puts the annotation and comment of classical Chinese novel together to discuss its similarities and differences; finally, This paper discusses and summarizes the value, function and limitation of classical Chinese novel annotation as a whole literary phenomenon.


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