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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-22 20:44

  本文選題:宋詩話 + 言外之意; 參考:《寧夏大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The literati's pursuit of "the implication of words" has existed since ancient times. But it was not until the Song Dynasty that the implication was established as a poetic term. In this paper, the author makes a research on the theory of "the implication of words", which is based on the poems of Song Dynasty edited by he Wen-hwan and Ding Fubao's "the continuation of Poems and stories of the past dynasties". This paper explores the guiding significance of these theories to the poetry creation of literati and the contribution to the formation of the introspection characteristics of the poetry of the Song Dynasty. In order to better interpret "the implication of words", the author draws lessons from Wang long's "from Pearl in the Water to the Moon in the Water-the Transmutation of the implication of words" in Poetics. It is understood as "implicative meaning" and "implicative taste". The former is the multiple meaning of poetry made by poets in the process of poetry creation by means of rhetorical devices such as allusions and practice. The latter is the style of poetry based on poetic language, which is often referred to as "flavor". The first part is the introduction of this paper, which mainly introduces the research significance, the current situation and the main research methods of "the implication of words" in the poetry of Song Dynasty. And the definition of "implied meaning" and "implied taste". The second part is the text of this paper, the first chapter mainly discusses the establishment of "implication" in Song poetry. First of all, the theory of "implicature" before the Song Dynasty was combed. Secondly, the author analyzes the reasons why the meaning of implicature, as a poetic term, was established in the Song Dynasty, in order to study the implication of implicature more deeply. The second chapter mainly discusses the aesthetic pursuit of poetry. First of all, it clarifies the poetry creation guidance of the literati, which is embodied in the literati's pursuit of "implied meaning". Secondly, the "untitled" poetry in Song poetry is analyzed as the creative practice of the pursuit of "implied meaning". The third chapter mainly discusses the aesthetic pursuit of poetry. Firstly, the characteristics of the poetry of the representative literati in the Song Dynasty are analyzed. Secondly, it discusses the criticism of Song poetry on "dull and tasteless" and "Su Huang's habit", and points out the corresponding solutions to the characteristics of poetry. The third part is the conclusion of this thesis. According to the above two parts, the implication of the words has been regarded as a kind of aesthetic standard of poetry. It is this standard that guides the literati to pay more attention to the expression of meaning in poetry creation, and to some extent contributed to the formation of the characteristics of introspection and introspection in Song poetry.


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