

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-22 16:02

  本文選題:梁曉聲 + 北大荒知青小說(shuō)。 參考:《牡丹江師范學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Liang Xiaosheng's "Beidahuang" novels of educated youth occupy an important position in the whole literature of educated youth. His novels have bright themes, mainly involving the grand themes of production construction and ideological transformation, including the production and construction of the educated youth in the Beidahuang, centered on "opening up and garrisoning the frontier", and the ideological transformation of accepting "re-education" as the center. Liang Xiaosheng's novels take into account the daily life of educated youth, and write about the life of educated youth marriage and love centered on political discourse at that time, centered on the needs of human beings, showing the life of educated youth as an individual. Liang Xiaosheng reproduces the daily life under the grand theme, carries on the limited humanized writing to the educated youth, and goes deep into the scene to write the individualized educated youth life, which makes the human nature bright and warm this section of history. The theme of Liang Xiaosheng Beidahuang's educated youth novels is derived from his real history. The educated youth of Beidabang proclaim the ideal of making contributions to their careers, consciously identify with the status of educated youth in Beidahuang, and turn cocoons into butterflies under the influence of the culture of military reclamation. The humanistic feelings in Liang Xiaosheng's novels reveal the poetic and harmonious beauty of daily life and criticize the suppression of human nature by ideology. The theme of Liang Xiaosheng's novels shows the lack of his creation, which is mainly manifested in the historical imagination which focuses on subjective experience, neglects the whole experience, and results in the lack of historical rationality. Liang Xiaosheng's novels of educated youth in Beidahuang have a distinctive aesthetic tone, which is reflected in his emotional life experience, and the heroines' heroic temperament of advocating tragically and devoting themselves. They played the song of pioneers in the spirit of fearlessness and fearlessness. Liang Xiaosheng's works also have a melancholy tone, mainly showing the "pedigree theory" dominated by the "black five" children educated young people's desolate mood, the harsh life also taught the birth of superior educated youth, To return their spirit to worldly circumstances. The heroism of Liang Xiaosheng's novels as a whole is not only reflected in the character characteristics of the educated youth, but also in the artistic presentation of the cold, hard and cold natural scenes.


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2 張頤武;;梁曉聲的意義[N];北京日?qǐng)?bào);2004年

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3 魏巍;論梁曉聲九十年代小說(shuō)中的平民意識(shí)[D];西南大學(xué);2010年

4 段曉丹;梁曉聲小說(shuō)創(chuàng)作論[D];河北師范大學(xué);2009年

5 付秀瑩;論二十世紀(jì)九十年代以來(lái)梁曉聲小說(shuō)創(chuàng)作中的底層敘事[D];北京語(yǔ)言大學(xué);2007年

6 樸成日;梁曉聲創(chuàng)作風(fēng)格研究[D];延邊大學(xué);2006年




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