發(fā)布時間:2018-01-11 05:17
本文關鍵詞:民初清遺民的身份認同和文化想像——何維樸《登岱圖》及其題詠研究 出處:《蘭州學刊》2017年07期 論文類型:期刊論文
[Abstract]:The paper discusses how to use images and poems to express their identity and cultural imagination . The first part is to discuss the fourth elegant collection of people ' s poetry and society . The first part is to discuss the three - layer meaning space of the ancient people ' s poetry and society . The second part discusses the three - layer meaning space of the ancient people ' s poetry society , and points out that the collector Lin Baoheng uses the image as a mirror image to recall its father and self - plastic its people ' s image . The third part is to discuss the group image and collective identity of the people in the third part .
【作者單位】: 中山大學中文系;
【正文快照】: 一、前言入民元后的清遺民,多寄居京、津、滬三地。處京、津,或近故都或近廢帝;而來滬,寄命租界,則因有治外法權。民初清遺民在上海,往往同聲響應,相互扶持,往往多文酒詩會,構建起了一種文化空間。遺民詩社如淞社、超社、逸社、漚社、午社、希社和汐社等等,便是這類存在。王國
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