

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-24 06:56
【摘要】:借用著名后現(xiàn)代思想家法國(guó)人鮑德里亞先生的觀點(diǎn),從媒介、藝術(shù)到政治,無(wú)不滲透著時(shí)尚的邏輯,時(shí)尚成為當(dāng)代社會(huì)的一種重要表征。影視劇利用其鮮明的形象在傳播時(shí)尚方面功不可沒(méi),對(duì)時(shí)尚文化的形成、發(fā)展和演變起著至關(guān)重要的作用,它吸收了文學(xué)、音樂(lè)、繪畫(huà)、表演等藝術(shù)精華,創(chuàng)造著時(shí)尚的流行元素與大眾文化的經(jīng)典元素,如大眾傳媒、明星、廣告、時(shí)裝、音樂(lè)等等。這些現(xiàn)代生活中的先鋒元素又被影視劇納入其中,而后再更大幅度地在衣食住行等方面浸染大眾生活的走向與潮流。我們品味影視劇時(shí)尚就不難發(fā)現(xiàn),時(shí)尚作為一種現(xiàn)代消費(fèi)社會(huì)常見(jiàn)的現(xiàn)象,它具有某種內(nèi)在的召喚力和誘惑力,唯其如此,才會(huì)成為潮流。 影視劇時(shí)尚元素蘊(yùn)涵著獨(dú)特而豐富的文化符號(hào)意義,反映著人群的生活方式、品位及其消閑娛樂(lè)的要求,也勾畫(huà)出社會(huì)的變遷和復(fù)雜的社會(huì)關(guān)系,并促進(jìn)其形態(tài)的變革完善,時(shí)尚精微地顯現(xiàn)出人類文明轉(zhuǎn)化的軌跡。 本文欲從時(shí)尚的詞源解說(shuō)、義理注疏來(lái)透視時(shí)尚,通過(guò)影視劇中蘊(yùn)涵的視聽(tīng)時(shí)尚元素來(lái)解讀影視時(shí)尚文化,以期達(dá)到影視劇與時(shí)尚的共勉。 時(shí)尚是一個(gè)時(shí)代,一個(gè)時(shí)期中人們崇尚和追求的東西,時(shí)尚一詞的淵源、義理特性是首要厘清的問(wèn)題。影視文化屬于觀賞性文化,影視劇集聲光影像為一體,可視可聽(tīng),接受方便,對(duì)當(dāng)代受眾來(lái)講,影視劇的魅力遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過(guò)了單純文學(xué)、美術(shù)、音樂(lè)等帶來(lái)的藝術(shù)享受,受眾在欣賞時(shí)伴隨著情感的投入,從影視劇的服裝、人物、色彩、道具等時(shí)尚視覺(jué)元素和言語(yǔ)、音樂(lè)等時(shí)尚聽(tīng)覺(jué)元素中得到真正美的浸染。 正如大眾文化在當(dāng)今時(shí)代,既有其無(wú)可阻遏的優(yōu)勢(shì),又有其不可否認(rèn)的負(fù)面影響,影視劇時(shí)尚帶給社會(huì)的思考喜憂參半。然而我們無(wú)法改變時(shí)代對(duì)這一文化形態(tài)的選擇,但卻有責(zé)任對(duì)其引導(dǎo)和批評(píng),以促使它朝健康的方向發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:From the point of view of the famous postmodern thinker, Mr. Baudrillard of France, fashion has become an important symbol of contemporary society, which permeates the logic of fashion from media, art to politics. Movies and TV plays a vital role in the formation, development and evolution of fashion culture by making use of their vivid images in the dissemination of fashion. It absorbs the essence of literature, music, painting, performance, and so on. Create fashion pop elements and popular culture classic elements, such as mass media, stars, advertising, fashion, music and so on. These vanguard elements of modern life were also included in the film and television drama, and then more greatly influenced the trend and trend of popular life in the aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation. It is not difficult for us to find out that fashion, as a common phenomenon in modern consumer society, has some intrinsic calling power and temptation, and only in this way can it become a trend. The fashion elements of film and TV play contain unique and rich cultural symbol meaning, which reflect the life style, taste and leisure and entertainment requirements of the crowd. It also outlines the social changes and complex social relations, and promotes the transformation and perfection of its form. Fashion shows the trajectory of the transformation of human civilization. This paper attempts to interpret the culture of film and television fashion through the elements of audiovisual fashion contained in film and television drama, in order to achieve the mutual encouragement of film and television drama and fashion, from the explanation of the etymology of fashion, the explanation of righteousness and theory, and the interpretation of fashion through the elements of audiovisual fashion. Fashion is a time, a period of people advocate and pursue things, the origin of the word fashion, the nature of justice is the first to clarify the problem. Film and television culture belongs to the ornamental culture. Film and television drama sets sound and light images as a whole, which is audible and accessible. To the contemporary audience, the charm of film and television drama far exceeds the artistic enjoyment brought by pure literature, fine arts, music, etc. Audience in appreciation accompanied by emotional input, from film and television drama clothing, characters, colors, props and other fashion visual elements and speech, music and other fashion auditory elements of real beauty. Just as popular culture has its inexorable advantages and undeniable negative effects in the present era, the fashion of movies and TV plays brings mixed thoughts to the society. However, we cannot change the times' choice of this cultural form, but we have the responsibility to guide and criticize it in order to promote its healthy development.


中國(guó)碩士學(xué)位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前3條

1 韓海青;新世紀(jì)中國(guó)翻拍的諜戰(zhàn)題材電視劇研究[D];南京藝術(shù)學(xué)院;2011年

2 龐小條;云南少數(shù)民族題材影視服裝藝術(shù)窺探[D];云南藝術(shù)學(xué)院;2011年

3 沙藝嬌;基于科技哲學(xué)視角下影視劇中陜西方言的傳播研究[D];西安建筑科技大學(xué);2012年




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