

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-23 11:57
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, the application of human-computer interaction technology is becoming more and more mature, and its use is becoming more and more common. Nowadays, there are many kinds of technologies to realize interaction, and man-machine interaction is not only concerned with precise input and output, but also with the highly efficient natural interaction between machine and human. However, the current man-machine interaction system supports fewer interaction points, and the size of the interaction surface is also relatively small, which is only suitable for one or two people's interaction experience. At the same time, the interference noise produced by laser sensor motor has a great influence on man-machine interactive control system. In this paper, the human-computer interaction system based on laser sensor detection and positioning is designed to solve these problems. The original data with noise is filtered by zero-distance point filtering, dynamic adaptive filtering and so on. A human-computer interaction system based on 2-D laser sensor is designed, which breaks through the limitation of fewer interactive points and smaller size of interaction surface, and can be used for multi-person real-time interaction on large scale interactive surface. It has great application potential and can be widely used in many fields, such as product display interaction, museum display interaction and game entertainment interaction. The human-computer interaction system designed in this paper uses 2-D laser sensor as the core hardware, introduces the working principle and error analysis, uses C # language to program, realizes hardware control, data transmission and communication. Data processing and other several functional modules, and connected to a set of control software. In this paper, a comprehensive filtering algorithm for system noise is proposed. The original data with noise is preprocessed by zero-distance point filtering and dynamic adaptive filtering, and then the pre-processed data is filtered by adaptive threshold nearest neighbor clustering. The contrast test between conventional weighted filter and synthetic filter is carried out. A large number of experiments show that the integrated filtering algorithm can effectively filter noise, improve the accuracy of interactive point tracking and positioning, and can run in real time, greatly improving the interactive experience effect. Through the Ventuz 3D editing software, the interactive display content is designed and played, and the user can carry on the active interactive experience on the interactive screen. The human-computer interaction system proposed in this paper has been successfully applied to the intelligent medical center of Zhangjiagang people's Hospital. After the installation of the interactive screen and the debugging of the man-machine interactive system, the system is running stably and the effect of multi-person real-time interaction is good. The successful implementation of the project shows that the human-computer interaction system designed in this paper has a wide application prospect, can realize man-machine interaction on a large screen, and supports real-time interaction of multiple users and active dissemination of information. Make man-machine interaction more efficient and natural, more entertainment, advertising and humanization.


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