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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-20 10:58
【摘要】: 廣告已經(jīng)成為現(xiàn)代人經(jīng)濟文化生活中不可缺少的一部分。詩歌這種高雅的藝術被引入經(jīng)濟領域,并起到獨特的商業(yè)效果。其獨特的商業(yè)效果來源于詩型廣告獨特的“三美”—音美、“意美”和辭美。詩型廣告為語言研究和翻譯研究提供了新的素材。 廣告翻譯不再是傳統(tǒng)意義上的翻譯,應注意使原語言和目標語言達到語義、社會文化等方面的對等;應圍繞廣告應該具有的四種功能特性—Attention(注意),Interest(興趣),Desire(欲望),Action(行動)進行翻譯,通過廣告刺激消費者的購買欲望,最終達到廣告的商業(yè)目的—促進銷售。 第一章介紹了英語詩型廣告的文體特征以及它在翻譯中的制約因素。廣告的主要功能是促使消費者購買某種產(chǎn)品或建立對某個品牌的好感和信賴。廣告及其翻譯都要受到多種因素的制約,即廣告法律法規(guī)的制約、廣告營銷策略的制約、廣告語言的制約和廣告中文化因素的制約等。 第二章簡介了語言功能的分類、廣告語言的功能以及功能對等理論發(fā)展。重點介紹了奈達的功能對等理論及其精華“內(nèi)容由于形式”、“讀者反應論”。奈達指出,對等是“最切近而又自然的對等”(Nida,2001:91)。為保存原作內(nèi)容,必須改變形式。其變動程度的大小必須視不同語言之間在語言和文化上的距離大小而定(Nida Taber,2004:5)。同時指出要將原語文本讀者的理解和欣賞方式與譯語文本接受者理解和欣賞的方式進行比較;譯文接受者與信息關系必須與原文接受者與信息關系大體一致;作者應讓讀者理解原文本中話語的整體意義和內(nèi)容、接受其觀念和情感(Nida Taber,2004:205)。 第三章通過實際翻譯案例的研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)運用功能對等原則來指導詩型廣告翻譯研究是可行的,它有利于再現(xiàn)詩型廣告之美,有利于信息傳遞,有利于讀者接受,有利于實現(xiàn)廣告功能。該途徑下的一系列理論對于詩型廣告這種獨特的實用文體的翻譯具有很好的指導作用。
[Abstract]:Advertising has become an indispensable part of modern economic and cultural life. The elegant art of poetry was introduced into the economic field and had a unique commercial effect. Its unique commercial effect originates from the unique "three beauty" of poetic advertisement-sound beauty, meaning beauty and rhetoric beauty. Poetic advertising provides new materials for language research and translation studies. Advertising translation is no longer a traditional translation, we should pay attention to the original language and the target language to achieve semantic, social and cultural equivalence; The four functional features of advertising should be translated around Attention (notice), Interest ('s interest in), Desire (desire), Action (Action) to stimulate consumers' purchase desire through advertising, and finally to achieve the commercial purpose of advertising to promote sales. Chapter one introduces the stylistic features of English poetic advertising and its restrictive factors in translation. The main function of advertising is to encourage consumers to buy a product or build a good impression and trust in a brand. Advertising and its translation are restricted by many factors, such as the restriction of advertising laws and regulations, the restriction of advertising marketing strategy, the restriction of advertising language and the restriction of cultural factors in advertising. Chapter two introduces the classification of language function, the function of advertising language and the development of functional equivalence theory. Nida's functional equivalence theory and its essence, "content due to form" and "Reader's response Theory", are emphatically introduced. Nida points out that equivalence is "the closest and natural equivalence" (Nida,2001:91). In order to preserve the original content, the form must be changed. The degree of variation must depend on the language and cultural distance between languages (Nida Taber,2004:5). At the same time, it is pointed out that in order to compare the understanding and appreciation mode between the readers of the original language and the readers of the translated language, the relationship between the target text and the information must be basically the same as the relationship between the original text and the information. The author should make the reader understand the whole meaning and content of the discourse in the original text and accept its concept and emotion (Nida Taber,2004:205). The third chapter finds that it is feasible to use the principle of functional equivalence to guide the study of poetic advertising translation, which is beneficial to the reproduction of the beauty of poetic advertising, the transmission of information and the acceptance of readers. It is advantageous to realize advertisement function. A series of theories based on this approach can guide the translation of poetic advertising as a unique and practical style.


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5 陳嬌;詩型廣告漢譯的可行性原則:功能對等[D];中南大學;2009年

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10 李R,




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