

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-16 18:41
【摘要】:現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計作為現(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟文化的交匯點,呈現(xiàn)出非常活躍、多姿多彩的風貌,設(shè)計訴求點也從物質(zhì)需要轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榫裥枰W鳛楣に嚸佬g(shù)設(shè)計中的包裝設(shè)計,是人們在快節(jié)奏、信息量大的日常生活中接觸最為頻繁的商品消費媒介,是企業(yè)、商品競爭的有力武器。 本文對現(xiàn)代包裝手繪圖形的表現(xiàn)風格進行全面而深入的解析認識。結(jié)合廣告學、消費行為學、消費心理學、品牌學對消費者的購買過程、購買行為、品牌定位進行了分析,使消費者了解不同消費群體所對應的包裝手繪圖形表現(xiàn)風格。現(xiàn)代包裝手繪圖形的表現(xiàn)技法借鑒了繪畫藝術(shù)的表現(xiàn)。手繪圖形與繪畫藝術(shù)、科學技術(shù)的結(jié)合,使手繪圖形的表現(xiàn)技法多樣性,也使其表現(xiàn)的深度和廣度方面有了明顯的進展,展現(xiàn)出手繪圖形更具獨特的藝術(shù)魅力和創(chuàng)造力,使其更具表現(xiàn)力。設(shè)計者可以針對不同的消費者選擇不同的表現(xiàn)風格,形成具有趣味性的表現(xiàn)形式,引起消費者的注意,誘發(fā)消費者豐富的聯(lián)想從而產(chǎn)生好感,排除其他同類商品干擾,最終選擇購買。結(jié)合現(xiàn)代科技,將中國傳統(tǒng)圖形表現(xiàn)形式用現(xiàn)代的手繪技法展現(xiàn)出來,使包裝手繪圖形既具有時代風格又張揚了民族個性。 本文以商品定位、品牌定位、目標消費群體為設(shè)計指導,手繪圖形各種表現(xiàn)形式為依據(jù),創(chuàng)造出符合市場需求的包裝手繪圖形。
[Abstract]:As the intersection of modern economy and culture, modern packaging design presents a very active and colorful style and features, and the demand point of design also changes from material needs to spiritual needs. As the packaging design in the design of arts and crafts, it is the most frequent commodity consumption medium that people contact in the daily life with fast rhythm and large amount of information. It is also a powerful weapon for enterprises and commodity competition. This article carries on the comprehensive and thorough analytic understanding to the modern packaging hand-drawing graphics performance style. Combined with advertising, consumer behavior, consumer psychology and brand science, this paper analyzes the purchasing process, purchasing behavior and brand positioning of consumers, so as to make consumers understand the performance style of hand-drawn packaging graphics corresponding to different consumer groups. Modern packaging hand-drawn graphics performance techniques for reference to the performance of the art of painting. The combination of hand-drawn graphics and painting art, science and technology has made the expression techniques of hand-drawn graphics more diverse, and also made obvious progress in the depth and breadth of their performance, showing that hand-drawn graphics have more unique artistic charm and creativity. Make it more expressive. Designers can choose different styles of expression for different consumers, form interesting forms of expression, attract consumers' attention, induce rich associations of consumers and thus produce good feelings, and eliminate interference from other similar commodities. Finally choose to buy. Combined with modern science and technology, the traditional Chinese graphic expression form is displayed by modern hand-drawing technique, which makes the packaging hand-drawn graphics have both the style of the times and the national individuality. Based on commodity positioning, brand positioning, target consumer group design guidance and various forms of expression of hand-drawn graphics, this paper creates packaging hand-drawn graphics that meet the needs of the market.


相關(guān)碩士學位論文 前4條

1 張瑤燕;現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計“趣”味性研究[D];湖南工業(yè)大學;2007年

2 毛秋惠;圖形創(chuàng)意與品牌推廣[D];天津美術(shù)學院;2006年

3 蘇清斌;品牌定位研究[D];南京理工大學;2004年

4 文紅林;論中國包裝設(shè)計創(chuàng)新[D];天津工業(yè)大學;2006年





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