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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-13 18:28
【摘要】:現代社會是一個信息的世界,廣告是信息時代一個重要的社會現象。國家經濟的發(fā)展,企業(yè)間的競爭,人民的日常生活都和廣告產生了愈來愈密切的聯(lián)系。在中國,形式多樣、內容豐富的電視廣告語言既繼承了漢語的優(yōu)點,又根據漢語特點產生了種種變異。電視廣告語正潛移默化地改變著人們使用漢語的一些習慣。來華留學生在中國學習漢語期間也因看電視而或多或少地受到漢語電視廣告語的影響,特別是漢語水平處于中高級的來華留學生。他們經過初中級階段系統(tǒng)地學習,已經掌握了大量的詞匯和語法知識,能比較流利地進行漢語交流,因此,他們更愿意將日常生活中聽到、看到的漢語詞語用到日常交際當中。所以,筆者認為我們應對漢語電視廣告語在來華留學生漢語學習中的作用引起重視。 為直接獲取更真實的研究資料,筆者向我國的北京、上海、重慶、哈爾濱、西安、福州、廈門、昆明、廣州等15個城市的高校共發(fā)放99份問卷,回收有效問卷96份。調查對象為漢語水平處于中高級的來華留學生,他們所學的專業(yè)分布在各個領域,比如漢語教育(含漢語國際教育碩士、華文教育、對外漢語)、工商管理、計算機工程、財政學、醫(yī)學等,以及一部分還在漢語進修班學習漢語的學生。根據調查問卷中來華留學生較喜愛的漢語電視頻道統(tǒng)計結果,筆者將排名前四位的電視頻道CCTV1、湖南衛(wèi)視、CCTV4和CCTV5在2010年播出的漢語電視廣告語作為本文的主要語料,同時借鑒前人的研究成果從漢語電視廣告語的內涵、組成部分和構成要素確定本文研究的范圍;從語音、詞匯、句法、修辭四個方面來分析漢語電視廣告語的一般語言特征;從語音變異、詞匯變異、語法變異、語義變異四個方面討論漢語電視廣告語變異的特殊語言特征。 為進一步研究漢語電視廣告語給中高級來華留學生的漢語學習帶來的具體影響,筆者經過問卷調查的統(tǒng)計得出以下結果:其一,約89%的來華留學生對漢語電視廣告語有興趣;其二,約95%的學生注意到漢語電視廣告語中的流行語言或者新詞語,并認為這些詞語對他們學習漢語有一定幫助,讓他們感到有興趣;其三,漢語電視廣告語讓學生最難以理解的原因(多選題)依次是“語速太快”、“詞組搭配”、“詞語的意義”,分別占約53%、45%、22%,即除了語速的問題,詞組的搭配是學生們普遍認為較難的因素;其四,約76%的學生更青睞有趣的電視廣告語,約15%的學生喜歡充滿哲理的,有豐富含義的漢語電視廣告語。結合調查結果,筆者從中高級來華留學生的漢語課外習得角度探討漢語電視廣告語對其的影響,其中積極影響包括有助于學生了解和學習新詞語,有助于學生在具體語境下學習漢語,有助于學生了解漢民族的消費心理、審美情趣和傳統(tǒng)文化等;消極影響是詞語超常搭配使學生難以理解,以至于給課內漢語學習帶來疑惑。最后,筆者根據漢語電視廣告語的語言特征和問卷結果來設計教學策略,比如適當策略、調動策略、鼓勵策略和游戲策略等。
[Abstract]:Modern society is a world of information, advertising is an important social phenomenon in the information age. The development of the country's economy, the competition between enterprises, the daily life of the people and the advertisement have become more and more closely related. In China, the TV advertisement language with various forms and rich contents inherits both the advantages of Chinese and the variation of Chinese characteristics. Television advertising is quietly changing some of the habits that people use in Chinese. Chinese students in China have been more or less affected by Chinese TV advertising during Chinese learning, especially Chinese students in China. They have learned a lot of vocabulary and grammar knowledge through a systematic study at the junior middle stage, so they can make Chinese communication more fluently. Therefore, they are more willing to use Chinese words that are heard in their daily life to be used in daily communication. Therefore, the author thinks that we should pay more attention to the role of Chinese TV advertising in Chinese learning in China. In order to obtain more real research data, I issued 99 questionnaires to 15 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Harbin, Xi 'an, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Kunming, Guangzhou and so on. 6. Investigation objects are Chinese students with Chinese level in China, and their major distribution in various fields, such as Chinese education (including master of Chinese international education, Chinese education, Chinese as a foreign language), business administration, computer engineering, finance, medicine Learning and so on, as well as a part of the study of Chinese in Chinese According to the results of Chinese TV channel statistics, the author will rank the top four TV channels CCTV1, Hunan TV, CCTV4 and CCTV5 in 2010. Based on the research achievements of the predecessors, the paper determines the scope of this thesis from the connotation, components and components of Chinese TV advertising language, and analyzes the general language features of Chinese TV advertising language from four aspects: speech, vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric; from speech variation, vocabulary The Special Language of the Variation of Chinese TV Advertising Language in the Four Aspects of Variation, Grammar Variation and Semantic Variation Characteristics: To further study the effect of Chinese TV advertising on Chinese learning in China, the author draws the following results through the statistics of questionnaire: one, about 89% of students coming to China for Chinese TV advertising Second, about 95% of the students notice the popular language or new words in the Chinese TV advertising language, and think the words will help them to learn Chinese and make them feel interested; and thirdly, the reasons why the Chinese TV advertising language makes the students most difficult to understand (multiple topics) is" It's todo fast. ", 鈥渃ollocation of phrase鈥,




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