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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-14 22:30

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:中英文汽車廣告語篇中人際意義的對(duì)比分析 出處:《河南師范大學(xué)》2013年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 中英汽車廣告 人際意義 語篇對(duì)比分析

【摘要】:近年來隨著中國經(jīng)濟(jì)的快速發(fā)展,汽車已越來越多的融入到人們的日常生活中來。汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)已然成為中國經(jīng)濟(jì)不可或缺的一部分。汽車廣告作為對(duì)汽車的介紹推廣和銷售起重要作用的媒介,對(duì)我國的汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)至關(guān)重要。因此在當(dāng)今社會(huì),對(duì)汽車廣告的研究及其迫切。 在韓禮德提出的系統(tǒng)功能語法中,他認(rèn)為人際意義功能是語言的三個(gè)元功能之一。人際意義關(guān)注的是在語言交際的過程中,人們?nèi)绾芜\(yùn)用語言與受話者建立并保持交際關(guān)系,影響對(duì)方的行為,表達(dá)說話者對(duì)事物的看法,引出或改變受話者的觀點(diǎn)(韓禮德,1994)。本研究以韓禮德的系統(tǒng)功能語法為理論框架,旨在從語氣,情態(tài)和人稱系統(tǒng)三個(gè)角度對(duì)中英文汽車廣告人際意義實(shí)現(xiàn)的異同點(diǎn)進(jìn)行對(duì)比分析。據(jù)此,本研究提出了三個(gè)研究問題:(1)中英文汽車廣告是如何通過語氣,情態(tài)和人稱系統(tǒng)實(shí)現(xiàn)其人際意義的;(2)中英文汽車廣告實(shí)現(xiàn)其人際意義的相同點(diǎn)有哪些;(3)中英文汽車廣告實(shí)現(xiàn)其人際意義的不同點(diǎn)有哪些。 本研究從《汽車導(dǎo)購》,《名車志》,Top Car,Import Tuner,Top Gear等雜志中選取30篇中文和30篇英文汽車廣告作為研究對(duì)象,以定性和定量法為研究方法,對(duì)中英文汽車廣告人際意義實(shí)現(xiàn)的異同點(diǎn)進(jìn)行了對(duì)比分析。研究結(jié)果顯示:中英文汽車廣告的相同點(diǎn):1.中英文汽車廣告中使用最多的語氣均為陳述語氣。陳述語氣,感嘆語氣和疑問語氣用來進(jìn)行信息傳遞,祈使語氣用來建議或是勸告消費(fèi)者的行動(dòng)。2.中英文汽車廣告都使用了一些表示可能性的語氣附加語,但數(shù)量并不多。3.中英文汽車廣告中都出現(xiàn)了表示第一人稱,第二人稱,第三人稱系統(tǒng)的詞語,其中出現(xiàn)最多的均為第二人稱系統(tǒng)詞。中英文汽車廣告的不同點(diǎn):1.英文汽車廣告中的祈使語氣不僅用來建議或是勸告消費(fèi)者的行動(dòng),還用來傳遞信息。英文汽車廣告中的感嘆語氣不僅用來傳遞信息,還用來建議或是勸告消費(fèi)者的行動(dòng)。因此英文汽車廣告的表達(dá)更加靈活,更利于與讀者的交流,拉近與讀者的距離。2.中文汽車廣告中有更多表示意態(tài)的語氣附加語,而英文汽車廣告中有更多表示情態(tài)的語氣附加語。這使得相比之下中文汽車廣告更加的有感染力,英文汽車廣告的表達(dá)更加客觀。3.在中文汽車廣告中第二人稱系統(tǒng)有一種表示尊重的表達(dá)方式“您,您的,閣下”,而英文汽車廣告中沒有類似的表達(dá)。 本研究共分為五個(gè)部分。 第一章是引言,它介紹了本論文的研究背景,研究意義,研究目標(biāo)和論文構(gòu)成;第二章是文獻(xiàn)綜述,闡述了韓禮德的系統(tǒng)功能語法和以往從系統(tǒng)功能語法角度對(duì)廣告語篇人際意義的研究情況;第三章從研究問題,理論框架,數(shù)據(jù)收集和研究步驟四方面揭示了本論文的研究設(shè)計(jì);第四章是本研究的重心,,即研究結(jié)果和討論。它依據(jù)數(shù)據(jù)分析對(duì)中英文汽車廣告語篇的人際意義實(shí)現(xiàn)的異同點(diǎn)進(jìn)行了闡述和分析;第五章是結(jié)論,主要包含本研究的主要發(fā)現(xiàn),研究啟示和局限。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of China economy, has more and more cars into people's daily life. The automobile industry has become a part of China economy indispensable. Automobile advertising as the car the promotion and sales play an important role in the media, is crucial to China's automobile industry. So in today's society, research the automotive advertising and urgent.
In systemic functional grammar proposed by Hallidy, he believes that the interpersonal meaning of language function is one of the three meta functions. The interpersonal meaning is concerned in the process of language communication, people how to use language and the recipient to establish and maintain relations with them, to influence their behavior, to express the speaker view of things, or lead change their ideas (Hallidy, 1994). In this study, Hallidy's systemic functional grammar as the theoretical framework, aimed at the tone, the comparative analysis of the implementation of English automobile advertising interpersonal meaning the similarities and differences between the three aspects of modality and person system. Accordingly, this study proposes three research questions: (1) in English car advertisement is how the mood, modality and person system to realize the interpersonal meaning; (2) what are the same point of the realization of interpersonal meaning in English car advertisement; (3) the Chinese automobile advertising achieve its What are the different points of interpersonal meaning?
This study from the car guide > < <, > Top Car, car and driver, Import Tuner, Top Gear and other magazines selected 30 papers and 30 papers English Chinese automobile advertisement as the research object, research methods with qualitative and quantitative method, to realize the interpersonal meaning in advertising English similarities and differences are compared and analyzed. The results show: the same point in English automotive advertising: 1. English car advertisement used in most tone are declarative. The indicative mood, exclamatory mood and interrogative mood for the transmission of information, advice or advice is imperative to English automobile consumer advertising of mobile.2. are used in some mood adjuncts of possibility but, not the number of.3. in English car ads have appeared in that first person, second person, third person system of words, which most are the second person system in English words. Different car ads: 1. English in auto advertising imperative not only for advice or advice of the consumer, is also used to transmit information. English tone in auto advertising lamented not only to convey information, advice or suggestions for the actions of consumers. Therefore English car advertising expression more flexible, and more conducive to the readers the exchange, close to readers.2. Chinese car ads have more mood adjuncts will said, and English car ads have more to express mood mood adjuncts. This makes the contrast Chinese car advertisement more appealing, more objective expression English car advertisement in.3. second Chinese automobile advertising in person system has a way of expressing respect you, your excellency, "and English car ads no similar expression.
This study is divided into five parts.
The first chapter is the introduction, it introduces the research background, the research significance, research objectives and the structure of the thesis; the second chapter is the literature review, describes the system functional grammar and past Hallidy from the perspective of systemic functional grammar research on advertising discourse of interpersonal meaning; the third chapter from the research questions, theoretical framework, revealed the research design in four aspects of data collection and research steps; the fourth chapter is the focus of this research, research results and discussion. It is based on the data analysis of the interpersonal meaning in English car advertising discourse of the similarities and differences are described and analyzed; the fifth chapter is the conclusion, mainly includes the major findings of this study. Research implications and limitations.



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