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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-14 11:27

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:論數(shù)字化背景下電視廣告中水墨符號(hào)的視覺表現(xiàn) 出處:《河北大學(xué)》2011年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 水墨 水墨符號(hào) 視覺元素 視覺文化

【摘要】:在數(shù)字化信息時(shí)代,以最尖端的科技和藝術(shù)思潮為主流,電視廣告始終以獨(dú)特的視角站在消費(fèi)時(shí)代的前沿,引導(dǎo)著人們的消費(fèi)觀念,記錄著時(shí)代文化活動(dòng)現(xiàn)象,數(shù)字化的水墨符號(hào)就是這個(gè)時(shí)代技術(shù)和藝術(shù)結(jié)合并在電視廣告中實(shí)踐的結(jié)果,這一新形式的實(shí)踐成功,對(duì)人的視覺信息在人們心理上、意識(shí)形態(tài)上的影響也是深遠(yuǎn)的,并帶來了全新的創(chuàng)意經(jīng)營(yíng)模式。 本文以電視廣告中水墨符號(hào)的發(fā)展和運(yùn)用為切入點(diǎn),借助視覺及視覺文化現(xiàn)象理論,結(jié)合案例展開論述。全文主要由四部分構(gòu)成:第一部分,在提出問題的基礎(chǔ)上,闡明了本課題的研究方向和意義。第二部分,通過對(duì)中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)水墨畫及水墨元素的相關(guān)概念的梳理,闡釋水墨符號(hào)的藝術(shù)性、文化性和特殊性,分析傳統(tǒng)水墨符號(hào)和數(shù)字化水墨符號(hào)的聯(lián)系和區(qū)別,以便有更深刻的理解;第三部分,論述了水墨符號(hào)在電視廣告中的視覺表現(xiàn),從電視廣告的視覺內(nèi)容和表現(xiàn)分析了水墨符號(hào)在電視廣告中的視覺表現(xiàn),研究其水墨符號(hào)的特殊視覺特點(diǎn)及意義;第四部分,在此基礎(chǔ)上結(jié)合經(jīng)典案例進(jìn)一步研究和探討數(shù)字化背景下電視廣告中水墨符號(hào)與多媒體技術(shù)結(jié)合的趨勢(shì)和意義,提高水墨符號(hào)的藝術(shù)表現(xiàn)力,分析在現(xiàn)代文化背景下如何更好在電視廣告中的體現(xiàn)出民族特點(diǎn)和民族意蘊(yùn),闡釋它在現(xiàn)代電視廣告中的存在價(jià)值。同時(shí)也是為了更進(jìn)一步探尋水墨電視廣告影像作為一種大眾視覺接受的原因和發(fā)展,理解對(duì)于受眾的潛意識(shí)形成效果,并引導(dǎo)傳統(tǒng)特色廣告和媒體技術(shù)的發(fā)展方向與圖像發(fā)展。因此,數(shù)字化背景下電視廣告中水墨符號(hào)的運(yùn)用和發(fā)展不僅要考慮到它的視覺表現(xiàn),還要把握其文化內(nèi)涵和藝術(shù)特點(diǎn),并將很好的服務(wù)于大眾,實(shí)現(xiàn)數(shù)字化背景下電視廣告中活動(dòng)與消費(fèi)行為整合的新形態(tài)。
[Abstract]:In the digital information age, with the most advanced technology and the trend of art as the mainstream, in front of television advertising has always been to a unique perspective in the era of consumption, to guide people's consumption concept, record era culture phenomenon, is the result of the digital ink symbol era technology combined with art and practice in the television advertisement in practice, this new form of success, on the visual information in the psychological, ideological influence on is far-reaching, and bring a new creative business model.
With the development of ink in television advertising symbols and use as a starting point, with the theory of visual and visual culture, combined with the case discussed. This thesis consists of four parts: the first part, based on the problems, clarify the research direction and significance. The second part, the related concepts of China the traditional ink painting and ink elements to comb the artistic interpretation of ink symbol, culture and special analysis, the relationship and difference between traditional ink symbols and digital ink symbols, in order to have a more profound understanding; the third part, discusses the ink symbol visual performance in the television advertisement, from the visual content and performance of TV the analysis of advertising ink sign visual performance in the television advertisement, special visual characteristics and significance of the study on the ink sign; the fourth part, on the basis of classic case further The trend and significance of the research and Discussion on digital TV ads with ink in the context of symbols and multimedia technology, to improve the ink symbol of artistic expression, analysis on the background of modern culture to better reflect in television advertising in the national characteristics and the national implication, explain it in the modern television advertising in existence but also to more value. To further explore the ink television advertising image as the cause and development of a popular visual acceptance, understanding the audience's subconscious formation effect, development direction and guiding characteristics of traditional advertising and media technology and image development. Therefore, the application and development of digital ink background in television advertising symbols should not only consider the visual expression of it, but also to grasp its cultural connotation and artistic characteristics, and good services to the public, the realization of digital background activities and consumption in television advertisements A new form of behavior integration.



相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前3條

1 邱毅琳;抽象·水墨[D];廈門大學(xué);2002年

2 賈云娣;中國(guó)現(xiàn)代水墨的精神表現(xiàn)與形式[D];中央美術(shù)學(xué)院;2005年

3 易永芳;試論中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)水墨符號(hào)的藝術(shù)特征[D];湖南師范大學(xué);2008年





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