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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-14 06:01

  本文關鍵詞:中國電視綜藝晚會品牌鍛造的策略研究 出處:《上海師范大學》2008年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 品牌 品牌定位 品牌核心價值 品牌忠誠度 整合營銷傳播

【摘要】: 娛樂潮流和娛樂產(chǎn)業(yè)的沖擊,使得中國傳媒業(yè)成為高風險及高回報的投資領域。贏得注意力獲得高度忠誠度已是媒體成敗和收益的關鍵。電視一直是大眾娛樂的重要工具,唯有帶來輕松和快感體驗的的娛樂才能抓住觀眾的眼球。在80年代伴隨著中國電視而迅猛發(fā)展而風光無限的電視綜藝晚會這種有著本土文化特點的電視文藝形態(tài)在這個娛樂經(jīng)濟時代進入了一個轉型階段,一方面電視綜藝晚會因為節(jié)目低俗使得晚會的文化含量嚴重滑坡,另一方面綜藝節(jié)目的說教和宣傳成分過濃而失去觀眾,電視綜藝晚會何去何從,如何在競爭激烈的傳媒環(huán)境中占領一席之地成為電視綜藝晚會面臨的急需解決的問題。 作者認為解決電視綜藝晚會藝術和商業(yè)的兩難境地最好的辦法是致力于電視綜藝晚會的品牌構建,這也是電視人在多年電視經(jīng)營中和整個媒介環(huán)境中得出的經(jīng)驗總結,在媒介紛爭,風云四起的電視生態(tài)環(huán)境中,電視綜藝晚會的品牌是一種競爭力、吸引力、親和力和信任度,它能以獨特的內(nèi)容和風格吸引住一定量的觀眾群,并在長時期內(nèi)贏得觀眾的信任,在激烈的媒介市場競爭中占據(jù)自己的獨特位置。從文化角度看,電視綜藝晚會的品牌是電視文化的象征和代表,從市場角度看,它是電視產(chǎn)業(yè)的拳頭產(chǎn)品;從觀眾角度說,它是觀眾心目中值得信賴、能給自己帶來較大收益的消費對象。 本文主要論述的是電視綜藝晚會的品牌鍛造方法,除去導言共分四個部分。 第一章對電視綜藝晚會的發(fā)展歷程進行了簡單的梳理,電視綜藝晚會經(jīng)過了聯(lián)歡、游戲、歌會、選秀四個階段,分別以《春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會》、《快樂大本營》、《同一首歌》、《超級女聲》個案代表。 第二章到第五章論述電視綜藝晚會品牌鍛造的方法,第二章提出電視綜藝晚會的品牌鍛造的第一步即電視綜藝晚會的品牌定位,這里包含兩個層面第一是受眾心理定位,以受眾為中心,進行深入的市場調(diào)查,為電視綜藝晚會爭取到準確的定位,圍繞這個定位再以各種手法去創(chuàng)建晚會的內(nèi)容;第二個層面是廣告商的定位,電視綜藝晚會在創(chuàng)建之初在沒有形成強勢品牌之前,應該根據(jù)收視群體的定位而進行廣告定位,去了解收視群體的喜好、追求而去爭取行匹配的廣告商。 第三章提出電視綜藝晚會的品牌核心價值的創(chuàng)建,分三步走:理性價值層、感性價值層、象征性價值層。 第四章是電視綜藝晚會品牌忠誠度的培養(yǎng),品牌忠誠度的形成分三個階段:知情期、接納期、忠誠期,打造品牌忠誠度抓住兩點:品牌內(nèi)容和品牌創(chuàng)意。 第五章講的是電視綜藝晚會的整合營銷傳播,主要以“超級女聲”為例,提出電視綜藝晚會的整合營銷的辦法有三:事件營銷、情感營銷,媒體間的整合互動。
[Abstract]:The impact of entertainment power flow and entertainment industry has made China media industry a key to high - risk and high - return investment . It has been the key tool for media success and failure . TV has always been an important tool for mass entertainment . It has been the important tool of mass entertainment . It has brought about an easy and pleasant experience of entertainment to catch the attention of the audience . The author thinks that the best way to solve the dilemma of the art and business of TV comprehensive art is to build the brand of TV comprehensive party , which is a kind of competition , appeal , affinity and trust . It can attract the audience ' s trust in the media dispute and the wind cloud . From the perspective of culture , it is the brand of TV industry . From the perspective of the market , it is the fist product of the TV industry . From the view of audience , it is the consumer object which is worth believing in the audience ' s mind and can bring large income to himself . This paper mainly discusses the brand forging method of the TV comprehensive party , and the removal of the introduction is divided into four parts . In the first chapter , the development course of the TV comprehensive art party is simple . The TV comprehensive party passes through the four stages of the festival , the game , the song and the show , and the four stages of the festival , the game , the singer and the selection show are respectively represented by the festival of the Spring Festival gala , the happy big camp , the same song , and the vocal music of the Super Girl . The second chapter introduces the method of the brand forging of the TV comprehensive party , the second chapter puts forward the first step of the brand forging of the TV comprehensive art party , namely , the brand positioning of the TV comprehensive party . The second level is the positioning of the advertiser . The second level is the positioning of the advertiser . The second level is the positioning of the advertiser . Before creating the strong brand , the advertisement positioning should be carried out according to the positioning of the audience group , so as to understand the preference and pursuit of the audience and seek the matching advertisers . The third chapter points out the creation of the core value of the brand of the TV comprehensive party , which is divided into three steps : the rational value layer , the perceptual value layer and the symbolic value layer . The fourth chapter is the cultivation of brand loyalty , and the formation of brand loyalty points into three stages : the knowledge period , the receiving period , the loyalty period , the brand loyalty catching two points : brand content and brand originality . The fifth chapter is about the integrated marketing of the TV comprehensive party , mainly based on the " Super Girl " as an example , and puts forward three methods for the integrated marketing of the TV comprehensive party : event marketing , emotional marketing , and the integration of the media .



相關碩士學位論文 前3條

1 王磊卿;中國電視晚會品牌創(chuàng)新策略研究[D];復旦大學;2010年

2 徐晏;國內(nèi)綜藝演出舞臺視覺傳達致效因素研究[D];河南大學;2012年

3 樊智慧;中美電視綜藝晚會比較研究[D];湖南大學;2012年




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