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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-13 20:14

  本文關鍵詞:論壁畫的公眾屬性及其時代性表現(xiàn) 出處:《上海師范大學》2012年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 壁畫 公眾性 社會性

【摘要】:壁畫作為一門具有悠久歷史的藝術學科,可以說一直與人類的文明伴隨發(fā)展。在這一過程中,產(chǎn)生了大量的記載人類歷史,傳播人類文化的優(yōu)秀藝術作品,這些優(yōu)秀的作品是我們了解各時期人類發(fā)展的重要材料。我們可以通過對于它歷史發(fā)展的研究尋找其特有的與社會相關的程式規(guī)律,不僅僅有利于當今藝術發(fā)展,也可以讓其為現(xiàn)代化的城市服務,實現(xiàn)它的更多具有實際價值的功能,具有相當重要的意義。 壁畫本身有著非常鮮明的特點,尤其是其本身所具有非常強的功能性,在宗教、祭祀、早期廣告、革命宣傳等等方面都能找到它的蹤影,它迥異于“美術館作品”的敞開式的表現(xiàn)形式,使得它可以對公眾尤其普通階層的生活產(chǎn)生更多的影響,同時壁畫自身的發(fā)展也很大程度上受到了公眾的啟發(fā)與改變。用今天流行的說法,壁畫是一種注重與受眾群“交互”的藝術形式。壁畫身上有著更多來自大眾群體的呼聲,也有著更多的公眾需求的烙印,在這種溝通前提下的發(fā)展,壁畫便有了獨特而強烈的公眾屬性。作者將試圖從這兩者之間著手,將這種壁畫的“公眾性”以一種時代發(fā)展的順序作進一步挖掘研究。 本文通過對各個時期壁畫發(fā)展的特點、樣式和功能進行分析梳理,并針對一些影響較廣的“公眾性”壁畫進行了介紹,從壁畫本身與社會之間的互相影響與關聯(lián)發(fā)掘了它們之間更深層的聯(lián)系,推導出壁畫藝術與社會相互影響的各種因素,壁畫的價值不僅僅體現(xiàn)在裝飾性或者單純的藝術性,其本身的功能性也具有很重要的價值,并且這功能很大程度上幫助推動社會的發(fā)展進步,同時在當代壁畫中我們可以看到壁畫原有的功能發(fā)生了新的改變,與時代和公眾的需求結合得更加緊密,而大眾化的需求正是它發(fā)展的必然趨勢。 可以明確的是,壁畫與時代發(fā)展更緊密的結合,必將發(fā)掘出更多更新的藝術形式。將壁畫的功能以及題材更多的結合到現(xiàn)代人群的生活,,而不是僅僅以藝術的角度去表現(xiàn)畫面,將很大程度上提高新時代背景下壁畫的發(fā)展空間。
[Abstract]:As an art subject with a long history, murals have been accompanied by the development of human civilization. In this process, a large number of recorded human history, the dissemination of human culture excellent works of art. These excellent works are important materials for us to understand the development of human beings in various periods. We can look for its unique social relevant procedural laws through the study of its historical development. It is of great significance not only to the development of art but also to the service of modern city and the realization of more functions with practical value. The fresco itself has very distinct characteristics, especially its own very strong functionality, in religion, sacrifice, early advertising, revolutionary propaganda and so on can find its trace. It is very different from the "art gallery" of the open form of expression, so that it can have more impact on the public, especially the ordinary class of life. At the same time, the development of murals themselves has been greatly inspired and changed by the public. Mural painting is a kind of art form which pays attention to the interaction with the audience. There are more voices from the masses and more imprint of the public needs on the murals, and the development of the mural is based on this kind of communication. The author will try to make further research on the "public nature" of the mural in the order of the development of the times. This paper analyzes and combs the characteristics, styles and functions of the development of murals in various periods, and introduces some "public" murals which have a wide influence. From the mutual influence and connection between the mural itself and the society, this paper explores the deeper connection between them, and deduces the various factors that affect each other between the mural art and the society. The value of murals is not only reflected in decorative or purely artistic, its own functionality also has a very important value, and this function to a large extent helps to promote the development and progress of society. At the same time in contemporary murals we can see that the original function of murals has changed more closely with the needs of the times and the public and the popular demand is the inevitable trend of its development. It can be made clear that a closer combination of murals and the development of the times will inevitably discover more updated art forms. The functions and themes of murals will be more integrated into the life of modern people. Instead of merely representing the picture from an artistic point of view, it will greatly improve the development space of murals in the new era.


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1 崇秀全;;敦煌莫高窟第257窟壁畫《鹿王本生》釋讀[J];敦煌學輯刊;2008年01期

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4 張婷;;責任與理想——墨西哥壁畫大師里維拉的藝術[J];美術;2008年03期

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8 于美成;;新時期建筑壁畫創(chuàng)作特征論[J];文藝評論;2010年03期

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相關碩士學位論文 前3條

1 張增偉;中國石窟造像之美[D];河北師范大學;2011年

2 林泰然;二十世紀中國壁畫演變的社會原因探析[D];中央美術學院;2007年

3 張笑甜;中國地鐵壁畫設計現(xiàn)狀研究[D];延邊大學;2008年




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