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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-03 06:28

  本文選題:紀(jì)錄片 + 網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播; 參考:《中國(guó)廣播電視學(xué)刊》2016年07期

[Abstract]:In 2015, a large number of well-produced documentaries emerged, achieve audience, win-win, so that more people began to pay attention to documentaries. The industrialization of domestic documentaries is becoming more and more international, and the development of mobile Internet has brought new vitality to the documentary industry. Large-scale documentary film network spread rapidly, big data technology to the documentary communication driving effect is more and more obvious. It is found that the characteristics of documentary network communication are: satellite TV channel is still the main channel of documentary communication, documentary network fusion communication presents a diversified development trend, social platform promotes the promotion and marketing of documentary; Documentary and the collaboration of e-commerce, through the documentary industry chain. The development trend of documentary in the future is as follows: strong IPP, strong plot, deep connotation become the mainstream content of documentary, according to different video platform Internet users' interest, put in different content documentary; Documentary making will make use of the big data research of network audience behavior to seek a breakthrough; the communication and sharing of audience will play an important role in the dissemination of documentary.
【作者單位】: 中央電視臺(tái)紀(jì)錄頻道;


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