Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
In the 21st century, human being has begun to enter a time of learning. As amember of the era,we can no longer expect that the knowledge can be stored enough tolast a life time when we are young. In this age, people can keep up with the pace of eraand establish himself in society. In the book of Learning To Be, Edgar Faure who is thechairman of united nations educational scientific and cultural organization(UNESCO),has pointed out that "Illiteracy in the future is not illiterate, but can not studying?” Soteachers have been confronted with the problem of how to teach, also students have beenfaced with that how to study for these years.As an old saying from China goes, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for aday; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Meanwhile the Germaneducator RA.W.Disterweg says,"Bad teachers just show the truth to students, while goodteachers teach students to find the truth in their own way." From above, we can know thatteachers should teach not just the contain of knowledge, but also the way of gettingknowledge. Teachers should make students clear that the way of learning is moreimportant.Furthermore, with the implementation of all-round education and the newcurriculum reform, the significance of finding the way teachers teach and the waystudents leam is gradually arising in recent years. The Reformation of FundamentalEducation Curriculum(trial implementation) (2001) states that, "Teaching shouldconcentrate on developing the independence and self-govern of students and guidingstudents to pose questions, investigate problems and explore the truth. Therefore, it canstimulate the students' initiative and individuation in study under the guidance ofteachers. New Curriculum Standard (2011) proposes that classroom teaching shouldcomplete a transformation from the teacher-centered and book-centered into thestudent-centered. It also requires that teacher should be a guider rather than a knowledgeimporter and students should be initiative seekers rather than passive recipients bydiscarding the traditional model of teaching. English Curriculum Standards in the Phaseof Compulsory Education (2011) raises an important view for students and says thatbuilding a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere by paying attention to students' emotionis needed for education today. All in all,shifting the role of teachers and cultivating theindependent and autonomous abilities of students are of growing importance nowadays.
1.2 Current Research
Investigation of ancient Chinese educational history can be found that containsinquiry learning activities. Early in the spring and autumn period,Confucius's "Wouldnot explain unless one is desperately anxious to leam or not determined to leam" couldbe regarded as the spirit of "heuristic" teaching ideas to explore the students' initiativelearning style. In ancient China during the Warring States period many thinkers in thisbasis discussed that students' actively constructing knowledge and independentconstruction is meaningftil. They emphasize the importance for students to question andcriticize for knowledge. Such as Mencius' words "better no book rather than trust bookcompletely,Xunzi's “never too old to leam”,"LI JI” of "extensive learning; be question;careful reflection; clear discrimination; work perseveringly".In a survey of the domestic modem researches on inquiry-based instruction, ZhongLing proved that inquiry-based teaching can improve the motivation and efficiency ofstudy (Zhong Ling, 2008: 26). Lu Huifang suggested that inquiry-based teaching had itspositive effects on study interests, ability to gather and process information, andcommunicating ability (Lu Huifang, 2007:38). The last type is around researches aboutthe effects of inquiry-based instruction on thinking ability, especially on critical thinking.Zhou Qing,Guo Jing and Wang Yan explored promoting preservice teachers' criticalthinking by inquiry-based chemical experiment (Zhou Q?,,Guo J.,Wu Y” 2010:4597-4603).
Chapter 2 Summary of Queries and Inquiriesin Three Steps
2.1 The Concept of the Teaching Model
Queries and Inquiries in three Steps actually means the four processes in learningnew knowledge of classroom teaching:(楊文普,2009:11-12)1.“Setting queries and independent inquiry". At the beginning of class, according tolearning objectives to ask questions, teachers arouse the students' strong desire forknowledge. On the basis of learning objectives, teachers guide students to ask questionsand inductive problems. Then forming self-study outline, teachers guide students explorethe problems independently by reading textbooks or other tutorial textbooks,2."Solving queries and cooperative inquiry”. Through communicating withclassmates or teacher, students check the results in "Independent inquiry”,andcorporately resolve the problems which can not be solved independently.3."Query and inquiry in the last Step". When the problems are all completed,teacher encourages and guides students to raise questions based on the learningobjectives. Students should grasp the teaching material contents, and explore morecomprehensive and more profound answers.4."Applying and developing the new knowledge". At last, around the learningobjectives, students edit some elementary and advanced exercises to show up andpractice with other students. If students' exercises can not reach the learning objectives,teachers should add the items. Explain the exercises, then summarize and reflect.
2.2 The Features of the Teaching Model
Every learner and every student is the actor of Queries and Inquiries in three Stepsteaching model. The typical problems and perfect answers are concluded in the processof cooperative exploration.(何克抗,1998:1?)Students are the center of learning, and this idea has been widely accepted. Englishteaching in middle school should be emphasize students' role in the learning process.This asks students to explore the experience of hands-on research. Queries and Inquiriesin three Steps teaching requests students to participate scientific research in learningactivities and gain experience. From this method students gradually formed a doubtingspirit, inquiring mind and positive learning attitude of hard learning. It also can stimulatetheir desire for exploration, innovation and positive emotions. Queries and Inquiries inthree Steps teaching is an open learning process. In learning, students will get the abilityto research topics actively. Through the exploring, this teaching model helps students toleam how to use a variety of effective method to access and store information. They willleam how to judge and identify the value of information. From this practice,they willknow how use those information.
Chapter 3 The Design and Implementation of Queries and Inquiries17
3.1 Concrete Operational Processes of the Teaching Model 17
3.2 The Teaching Principles of the Teaching Model 19
3.3 The Application of the Teaching Model in English Teaching 22
Chapter 4 Research Design—Take Huaibin No.l Middle School for Example 30
4.1 Research Purpose 30
4.2 Research Object 24.3 Research Method and Instrument 32
4.4 Research Process 32
Chapter 5 Data Collection and Analysis 32
5.1 The Statistical Analysis of Questionnaire 33
Chapter 5 Data Collection and Analysis
5.1 The Statistical Analysis of Questionnaire
The main purpose of questionnaire is to search the influence of Queries andInquiries in three Steps teaching model in English teaching. Mainly research from thestudents' interest, autonomous learning ability and habit in learning English.The questionnaire which distribute before carrying out the new model can be seen atAppendix I,and the questionnaire which distribute after carrying out the new model canbe seen at Appendix IL The author distributed 60 pieces and took back 60 pieces for thefirst time. The second time is same as the first one.Questionnaire effective rate is one hundred percent. In order to ensure theeffectiveness of survey result, questionnaire is completed in limited time in the classroom,and participants remain anonymous. Every questionnaire paper has 13 questions. Authortook the paper back and calculate the selected portion. The results are shown in Table 5-1and 5-2.Preparing lessons before class can make students understand the learning content inadvance, clear the textbook vocabulary obstacles, improve the efficiency of theclassroom, at the same time can cultivate students' habit of autonomous learning. Fromthe result questionnaire we can find that there are 18.3 percent of students previewlessons before carrying out Queries and Inquiries in three Steps teaching model. Most ofstudents only preview lessons under teacher's request, further more, because of lackingof enthusiasm, some students never preview lessons even though teacher asked. Afterimplementing Queries and Inquiries in three Steps teaching model, under the teacher'scareful guidance, number of students who can preview initiatively is increased by 16.7%,and the number of students who can preview occasionally is increasing too. The numbersof students who preview and never preview under teacher's request are all in reducing. Itcan demonstrate that students can gradually develop the habit to preview and improve theability to learn English initiatively after implementing this new teaching model.
This paper first stated that the 21st century is a learning age, the requirement of newcurriculum standard and the problems exist in English teaching of nowadays middleschool. So it is necessary to implement Queries and Inquiries in three Steps teachingmodel. Then, with constructivism and humanism theory as guidance, author simplyexpounded the concept, features, and implementation condition of Queries and Inquiriesin three Steps teaching model. Thereafter, author elaborated concrete operationalprocesses, the teaching principles, and the application of the teaching model in Englishteaching. In the end, under the research method of questionnaire survey and experiment,author found that this new model has feasibility and operability in English teaching ofjunior middle school. Queries and Inquiries in three Steps teaching model accords withthe cognitive regular and thinking characteristics of middle school students. Like NewCurriculum Standard,this new teaching model advocates the idea of “independent”,“cooperation”,"inquiry". More importantly, with maximizing the subject role of students,it can make every student develops the good habits and qualities of daring to query,evaluation, expressivity, receptive listening, and constantly rethinking in a freeatmosphere. It is helpful to cultivate students to ask questions, analyze and solveproblems independently, to arouse students' interest and enthusiasm in learning English,to cultivate students' innovation ability, to explore the potential of students,to improvestudents' learning efficiency and performance. So it is an effective teaching model incurrent education teaching reform. After the implementation of this new teaching modelin one semester, author puts forward some suggestions on applying it, and points out theshortages of the study.
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