發(fā)布時間:2017-05-11 08:22
Acknowledgements 5-6
摘要 6-7
Abstract 7
1. Introduction 10-13
1.1 The Rationale and Significance of the Research 10-11
1.2 Research Questions 11
1.3 Research Methodology 11-12
1.4 The Outline of the Thesis 12-13
2. Literature Review 13-24
2.1 Functionalist Translation Theory 13-17
2.1.1 Functionalism in Western Countries 34 13-15
2.1.2 Functionalism in China 15-17
2.2 Translation of Culture-loaded Words 17-21
2.2.1 In Western Countries 17-19
2.2.2 In China 19-21
2.3 Previous Studies on the Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Gladys Yang's The Border Town 21-24
3. Theoretical Framework 24-33
3.1 Identification of Culture-loaded Words 24-25
3.1.1 Definition of Culture-loaded Words 24-25
3.1.2 Classification of Culture-loaded Words 25
3.2 An Introduction to the Skopostheorie 25-26
3.3 Functional Typologies of Translation Strategies 26-28
3.3.1 Documentary Translation 26-27
3.3.2 Instrumental Translation 27-28
3.4 Functional Rules of Culture-loaded Words Translation 28-33
3.4.1 The Skopos Rule: the Top-ranking Rule 29
3.4.2 Functions/ Roles of Participants Influencing the Skopos 29-31 The Initiator 29-30 TT Readers 30 The Translator 30 The ST Author and the ST 30-31
3.4.3 The Coherence and Fidelity Rule: the Complementary Rules 31
3.4.4 The Loyalty Rule: the Mediatory Rule 31-33
4. Participants Influencing the Translation Skopos 33-45
4.1 The Source-Text Biancheng and the Source-Text Producer Shen Congwen 33-35
4.2 The Initiator Chinese Literature Magazine 35-38
4.3 The Translator Gladys Yang 38-42
4.3.1 Life Experience 38-40
4.3.2 Translation Activities 40-41
4.3.3 Gladys' Contributions to Chinese Literature Translation 41
4.3.4 Gladys' Views on Translation 41-42
4.4 Target Text Readers 42-43
4.5 Summary of the Intended Function of the TT 43-45
5. Culture-loaded Words in The Border Town 45-49
5.1 Ecological Culture-loaded Words 45
5.2 Material Culture-loaded Words 45-46
5.3 Social Culture-loaded Words 46-47
5.4 Religious Culture-loaded Words 47
5.5 Linguistic Culture-loaded Words 47-49
6. Translation Strategies and Methods of Culture-loaded Words in The Border Town 49-67
6.1 A Quantitative Research 49-52
6.2 Case Study 52-67
6.2.1 Documentary Translation 52-59 Literal translation 52-57 Literal Translation plus Annotation 57-59
6.2.2 Instrumental Translation 59-67 Adaptation 59-64 Omission 64-67
7. Conclusion 67-69
Bibliography 69-75
Appendix 75-80
Biodata of the Author 80
英語語言學碩士論文大綱范文二: 習近平的中國夢演講與奧巴馬的美國夢演講的語篇策略的批評性分析
內(nèi)容提要 4-6
Synopsis 6-7
摘要 8-13
Abstract 13-21
Introduction 21-25
Research Background 21-22
Research Objectives 22-23
Significance of the Study 23
Organization of the Thesis 23-25
Chapter One Literature Review 25-33
1.1 Studies of Xi Jinping’s Speeches on the Chinese Dream 25-29
1.2 Studies of Obama’s Speeches on the American Dream 29-33
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework and Methodology 33-42
2.1 Theoretical Framework 33-39
2.1.1 The Development of DHA 33-35
2.1.2 Main Features of DHA 35-36
2.1.3 Discursive Strategies 36-39
2.2 Methodology 39-42
2.2.1 Data Collection and Sample Selection 39-40
2.2.2 Comparative Analysis 40-41
2.2.3 Research Questions 41
2.2.4 Research Procedure 41-42
Chapter Three Data Analysis and Discussion 42-68
3.1Data Analysis 42-60
3.1.1 Discursive Strategies Adopted in Xi Jinping’s Speeches 42-52
3.1.2 Discursive Strategies Adopted in Obama’s Speeches 52-60
3.2 Discussion 60-68
3.2.1 Similarities and Differences in Their Use of Strategies 60-64
Similarities in Their Use of Strategies 61-62
Differences in Their Use of Strategies 62-64
3.2.2 Causes for These Similarities and Differences 64-68
Causes for These Similarities 64-65
Causes for These Differences 65-68
Conclusion 68-72
Major Findings 68-70
Implications 70
Limitations 70-71
Suggestions for Further Research 71-72
References 72-75
Appendix 75-83
作者簡介及科研成果 83-84
Acknowledgements 84
英語語言學碩士論文大綱范文三: 西方媒體視野里的“中國夢”和“中國制造”
摘要 6-11
Introduction 11-15
Chapter 1 Literature Review 15-22
1.1 Previous Studies of CDA and DHA 15-16
1.2 Previous Studies of Corpus-based CDA and DHA 16-19
1.3 Previous Studies of“Chinese Dream”and“Made-in-China” 19-21
1.4 Summary 21-22
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework 22-27
2.1 Introduction to DHA 22-25
2.2 Language, Ideology and Power 25-26
2.3 Summary 26-27
Chapter 3 Corpus-based Study of“Chinese dream” 27-51
3.1 Introduction and Data Collection 27-28
3.2 Topic Analysis 28-35
3.3 Discourse Strategy Analysis 35-50
3.4 Summary 50-51
Chapter 4 Corpus-based Study of“Made-in-China” 51-74
4.1 Introduction and Data Collection 51-52
4.2 Topic Analysis 52-58
4.3 Discourse Strategy Analysis 58-73
4.4 Summary 73-74
Conclusion 74-77
Bibliography 77-82
Appendix 82-83
Acknowledgements 83-84