The application of information technology to elementary education has become ahot topic in the modern study. In 2001, the Ministry of Education issued the NationalElementary Education Curriculum Reform (Trial) which clearly states, “to vigorouslypromote the information technology in the teaching process, promote the integration ofinformation technology and subject curriculum, and gradually realize the teachingcontent, learning mode, teachers’teaching mode and interactive mode, to give full playto the advantages of information technology, to provide students with a variety ofeducational environment and powerful learning tool ” (NationalBasic Education Curriculum Reform, 2001). The promulgation of this document notonly reflects our country’s emphasis on the development of educational informatization,but also indicates the direction of development of our country’s education.According to the New Curriculum Standards for Senior Middle School ( NewCurriculum Standard for short) of 2003, English courses should strive to makereasonable use and develop the curriculum resources, providing students with practical,close to life, close to the times, healthy and abundant curriculum resources; actively useaudio, television, books and magazines, network information and other rich teachingresources to expand learning and use of English Channel; actively encourage andsupport students to participate in the development and utilization of curriculumresources(New Curriculum Standard, 2003).In order to actively respond to the New Curriculum Standards and implement thenew curriculum requirements, Bengbu City, Anhui Province in 2013 invested heavily inthe construction of class, equipping the kindergartens, primary schools as well as middleschools with the installation of a multimedia device in each classroom connected toInternet, called “Ban Ban Tong”. Since the installation, the city has carried out a seriesof practical teaching activities, such as MOOC, electronic book bag, flipped classroom,micro teaching. However, with all these computer-assisted English teaching activities,no one has done a detailed investigation into what the function and impact “Ban BanTong” has on English teaching. Therefore, it is an urgent job to understand the currentsituation of“Ban Ban Tong”applied in English classes , for which the author designedthree research questions:
2.1 Key Terms
“Ban Ban Tong” refers to that each class in a school is equipped with such soft wareand hardware environment including different levels of information communication,access and use of information resources and terminal information display, which helpsthe effective integration of information technology and daily teaching, promotes there form of teaching methods and students’ learning styles and ultimately promotes the development of students.First, “Tong” refers to installation of hardware which requires that each classs hould be equipped with appropriate information equipment and network facilities.Different types of “Ban Ban Tong” are composed by different hardware, networkand software. The first type is the basic one which has the most basic digital resources and display equipment installed into every classroom, that is, the type of simple multimedia classroom. The second type has multimedia computer as the core equipment,and is equipped with the multimedia classrooms which is installed by a variety ofinformation display and interactive devices. This type is the most important form of“Ban Ban Tong” at present. The third type is the ordinary network classroom andmobile network classroom, which is a future oriented classroom configuration, at thisstage is mainly manifested as “one person one machine”, and in the future may evendevelop into the form of “one person multi machine”.Second, “Tong” also means resources circulation. Different hardware installationsshould be fitted with proper informatization teaching resources.The purpose of hardware construction is to provide information resources.Resource is the digitalrepresentation of learning content, and it is the foundation ofinformation teaching and its application. Different hardware devices fit with differenttypes of resources and the source of resources are also varied.2.2 Theoretical Basis
There are three stages of the development of the theories of psychology related tocomputer-assisted language learning, namely, Behaviourism, Cognitionism andConstructivism, while the last one has been commonly adopted to study thecomputer-assisted language learning by many experts.Constructivism is the further development of Behaviourism and Cognitionism andit is a theory describing how learning happens, regardless of whether learners are usingtheir experiences to understand a lecture or following the instructions for building amodel airplane. In both cases, the theory of Constructivism suggests that learnersconstruct knowledge out of their experiences (Wikipedia, 2016). The focus of it is onthe learning environment. The social constructivist paradigm views the environment inwhich the learning occurs as central to the learning itself .CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY.........13
3.1 Research Questions...........133.2 Subjects...................13
3.3 Research Instruments.............14
3.4 Investigation Procedures..........16
4.1 Results and Discussion of the Questionnaire........ 21
4.2 Results and Discussion of the Classroom observation..........36
4.3 Results and Discussion of Interviews............40
CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION.................45
5.1 Major Findings................ 455.2 Pedagogical Implications...........47
5.3 Limitationsof the Study.................49
4.1 Results and Discussion of the Questionnaire
The purpose of this study is to understand the current application of “Ban BanTong” in investigated schools and existing problems during the process in order tosnoop the general situation of its application with the scope of the whole city andprovide the first-hand data for the act called the Promotion of the Deep Integration ofInformation Technology and Class Teaching in Bengbu City and in turn boost thefurther reform of English Teaching in senior middle schools in this city. Therefore, tomake the investigation more feasible, the author mainly focuses on the following threequestions:1. What is the current application situation of “Ban Ban Tong” in English classroomteaching in senior middle schools?2. What are teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards the application of “Ban BanTong”?3. What are the existing problems of using “Ban Ban Tong” in present Englishteaching?4.2 Results and Discussion of the Classroom observation
In this research, the author chose three provincial model senior middle schools asresearch subjects.The reasons why these schools were chosen are as follows: Firstly,although all the three schools are provincial model senior middle schools, the level ofstudents in the three schools vary from one to another. According to the grades of seniormiddle school entrance examination, students from three schools are of different levels.Therefore, this research is hierarchical and representative. Secondly, these three schoolsare alllocated in the urban area of Bengbu City, so it is convenient to get there.Furthermore, these three school are respectively the author’s interned school, AlmaMater and the school working in at present, so the author is familiar with the staff andcan contact them conveniently, which makes it easier to accomplish the research.Thirdly, although the level of the three schools are varied, students in three provincialmodel senior middle schools are rather good on the whole, which makes it easy torelease and recycle the questionnaire and ensure the validity and reliability of it.The author randomly selected teachers students from Grade one and Grade two ineach school as research subjects. Because of their heavy learning tasks and learning pressure, Grade three is not covered in the research. There are two kinds ofquestionnaires in the research, one for teachers and another for students. For the formerone, 18 teachers were selected randomly from grade one and two in the three schools,who are all teaching English at present. For the latter one, 236 students from six classesin the three schools are selected......
It has been more than two years since the equipments were installed. In order toknow the current situation of the application of “Ban Ban Tong” in English class insenior middle schools, the author made an investigation and designed three researchquestions: 1) What is the current situation of the application of “Ban Ban Tong” inEnglish class? 2) What are the attitudes of teachers and students towards it? 3) What arethe existing problems of the use of “Ban Ban Tong” in English class?This research mainly adopted three methods: questionnaire, classroom observationand interview. The subjects were 236 students and 18 teachers from Bengbu seniormiddle schools. First, the questionnaires were designed to objectively learn the currentapplication of “Ban Ban Tong” in English class and attitudes of teachers and students tothe use of it. Second, the author observed 54 English classes to further understand theexisting problem of the application of “Ban Ban Tong” in English class. Third, as thesupplement of the first two researches, the author interviewed some teachers andstudents randomly to deeply understand their views on “Ban Ban Tong” and the impact“Ban Ban Tong” has on them. In the end, by analyzing the data collected, the authorfound some existing problems and tried to provide feasible pedagogic suggestions.