

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-27 19:21
[Abstract]:With the increasing application of array signal DOA estimation and tracking technology in radar detection and sonar localization, the requirements of DOA estimation and tracking technology are increasing. In recent years, with the development of compression sensing theory, its advantages such as low requirement of rapid-beat number and natural desiccation have promoted the further research of array signal DOA estimation technology. Moreover, with the formation and improvement of the theory of dynamic compression sensing, the DOA tracking technology based on the theory of compressed sensing has also achieved some research results. In this context, the DOA estimation and tracking algorithm based on compressed perception theory is studied in this paper. The main research contents are summarized as follows: 1) through the research of smoothing l0 norm, The improved smoothing function is used to approximate the l0 norm, and a DOA estimation algorithm based on the improved smoothing l0 norm is proposed. The algorithm is easy to implement and has high accuracy. The DOA can be estimated better under the condition of single shot. Compared with the OMP algorithm and the original smoothing l0 norm algorithm, it has better performance. 2) A new DOA estimation algorithm based on the weighted smoothing l0 norm is proposed by using a new weighting method for the improved smoothing l0 norm. This algorithm is also easy to implement, and can achieve high precision DOA estimation under the condition of single beat. Compared with the DOA estimation algorithm based on improved smoothing l0 norm, it has higher estimation accuracy. 3) the DOA estimation technique in practical application is usually MMV model. In this paper, the DOA estimation algorithm based on weighted smoothing l0 norm is extended to MMV model. A new DOA estimation algorithm based on multi-beat weighted smoothing l0 norm is proposed. The algorithm can realize the high precision estimation of DOA under the condition of lower beat number. 4) aiming at the DOA tracking problem of moving target signal source, a new algorithm is proposed. The processing method of dynamic compression sensing theory is applied to the transient sparse signal of dynamic DOA, and the sparse probability model of dynamic DOA is established to obtain the weight of weighted L and norm. Finally, the linear weighted L 1 norm is minimized. This paper presents a dynamic compression sensing DOA tracking algorithm in the case of single racket, which can achieve high precision DOA tracking. Under certain SNR conditions, the DOA tracking performance is better than that of PASTd algorithm and particle filter algorithm. 5) in order to improve the anti-jamming ability of dynamic compression sensing DOA tracking algorithm to noise, the algorithm is extended to MMV model. At the same time, the received signal is processed by singular value decomposition to reduce the computational complexity. Finally, a multi-beat dynamic compression sensing DOA tracking algorithm is proposed, which can achieve high precision DOA tracking under the condition of fewer beats and lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).


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