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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-22 19:20
[Abstract]:While the Internet brings convenience to people's daily life, its security problems are increasing day by day. Stream authentication is an important problem in anonymous communication tracking and springboard intrusion detection. Although the commonly used network pipeline printing technology can effectively identify and track the source of data flow, it is difficult to achieve strong robustness and concealment at the same time. For example, in the network pipelining method based on time interval, after forwarding or recording all kinds of traffic characteristics, the watermark embedding process is completed by reducing or enlarging the delay between adjacent packets. Because the time delay introduced by this method in each slot Qg is relatively small, the watermark has better concealment. However, once packet loss, packet recombination and false packet injection occur in the network flow, the self-synchronization of the watermark may be invalidated, and the embedded special signal can not be recovered. Therefore, the robustness of stream watermarking is weak. The research goal of this paper is to design both robust and adaptive flow identifiers without forwarding and disturbing traffic patterns in order to accurately and efficiently match network flows. In general, this study aims to provide a potentially interesting perspective for the combination of traditional traffic analysis techniques with classical information theory and cryptographic principles. On the one hand, the chaos characteristic hidden in traffic mode is explored by Takens theorem, and a stream identifier based on Huffman coding is obtained. On the other hand, a stream identifier based on Shamir (TCN) threshold secret sharing mechanism is constructed on the basis of selecting unique and robust traffic characteristics by using the inherent sudden and chaotic characteristics of network flow. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme still has better detection performance under the network interference such as delay jitter packet malicious drop false packet injection and so on compared with the existing more important methods.


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