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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-21 19:38
[Abstract]:In the era of digital media, all kinds of electronic products enrich people's lives, but also change the way people read. Electronic products become a part of life, the interesting interaction of electronic reading materials, dubbing and dynamic pictures are more and more popular among children, parents also accept that they can properly guide their children to read e-reading materials. Compared with traditional reading materials, experiential children's electronic reading materials pay more attention to interactive experience, interesting features, easy to arouse children's interest, guide children to take more active observation and thinking while reading, and cultivate children's thinking mode and practical ability. It was widely welcomed. Compared with static interface design, the visual effect of dynamic interface can attract children's attention more. At present, the application of dynamic design in children's electronic reading mainly focuses on the dynamic representation of illustrations. But the application of children's electronic reading interface dynamic design is relatively rare, and the theory of interface design is mainly static interface research. Therefore, based on the dynamic performance design of interface design and the cognitive aesthetic needs of the special group of children users, this paper studies the dynamic interface design of children's electronic reading materials. In this paper, the dynamic design of children's electronic reading interface is studied by means of literature research, case analysis, questionnaire survey and theory combined with practice. By analyzing the current situation and design trend of children's electronic reading materials at home and abroad, this paper combines the theories of aesthetic psychology, cognitive level and behavior habits of children aged 3 to 6 years old. This paper expounds the appropriateness and necessity of the interactive experience of multi-sensory stimulation and dynamic and static combination in the design of children's electronic reading materials. According to the research of theory, the paper puts forward the idea of dynamic design of the interface of "Kuka Book House": first, taking the children and parents as the object of the questionnaire, to understand the basic situation and aesthetic needs of the user population; Secondly, according to the children's aesthetic needs and cognitive ability, the information frame diagram and the interface prototype map of "cool card book house" are constructed, and the application icon and function icon of "cool card book house" are designed. Fourth, the design of the interface effect of Kuka Book House to guide children to read more efficiently. Finally, on the basis of the design idea, the sketch scheme is drawn, and the interface dynamic design practice of children's electronic reading material APP "cool card book house" based on tablet computer and mobile phone is completed through computer software, and the dynamic interface design is realized.


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