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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-09 16:29
【摘要】:隨著多媒體通信等技術(shù)和各種視頻終端處理能力的快速發(fā)展,3D視頻越來越在生活中普及應(yīng)用。上一代基于H.264的多視點(diǎn)視頻編碼標(biāo)準(zhǔn)不能滿足當(dāng)前與日俱增的3D視頻數(shù)據(jù)量的高效壓縮,因此,立體視頻編碼聯(lián)合組(The Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video Coding Extension Development,JCT-3V)制定了新一代多視點(diǎn)視頻編碼標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 3D-HEVC(3D-High Efficiency Video Coding)。盡管3D-HEVC取得較高的編碼效率,但是其存在計(jì)算復(fù)雜度較高的問題,嚴(yán)重限制了 3D視頻的實(shí)際應(yīng)用。因此,如何在保證編碼3D視頻質(zhì)量的前提下,最大幅度的降低3D-HEVC的計(jì)算復(fù)雜度,成為當(dāng)前視頻技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的一個(gè)研究熱點(diǎn)。目前通用的3D視頻格式為紋理視頻加深度視頻格式(Multi-view Video Plus Depth,MVD),其中深度圖對虛擬視點(diǎn)合成具有重要作用,然而也引入了較大的計(jì)算復(fù)雜度。為此,本文針對3D-HEVC深度圖編碼,深入分析了深度圖特性,提出一系列快速優(yōu)化算法,以保持編碼性能的前提下極大的節(jié)省計(jì)算復(fù)雜度。本文的主要工作如下:1、提出一種基于深度分類的低復(fù)雜度深度圖幀內(nèi)預(yù)測算法。本算法根據(jù)深度圖特征把3D-HEVC幀內(nèi)預(yù)測模式分成三類——平滑類,方向角類和深度類。首先采用HOG特征對深度預(yù)測塊進(jìn)行特征提取,其次用SVM訓(xùn)練器對所提取的特征進(jìn)行模式判決,根據(jù)判決結(jié)果對深度塊所屬類型中的所有模式進(jìn)行RD-Cost計(jì)算得到最佳的預(yù)測模式。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,與原有3D-HEVC相比,本算法平均縮短34.85%的編碼時(shí)間,而BD-Rate僅降低了 0.14%。2、提出了一種加速深度塊CU的分割方法。原有3D-HEVC采用遞歸的方法分割CU,消耗大量的編碼時(shí)間。對此,本文提出了一種快速終結(jié)CU遞歸劃分的方法。首先計(jì)算當(dāng)前編碼CU的方差和對角像素差的絕對值之和,通過閾值法比較,判定是否需要提前終止CU的劃分。本算法的實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,與原始3D-HEVC相比,本算法平均減少了 9.73%的編碼時(shí)間,而BD-Rate僅升高了 0.02%。3、最后,本文針對SDC編碼進(jìn)行優(yōu)化。通過實(shí)驗(yàn)統(tǒng)計(jì)發(fā)現(xiàn),SDC編碼的選的與當(dāng)前預(yù)測單元PU的平滑性息息相關(guān),若PU比較平滑,則選擇SDC編碼的可能性較高。因此,本算法在得到全搜索列表后,先計(jì)算當(dāng)前PU外圈像素差的絕對值之和,進(jìn)行閾值化比較,判定是否跳過非SDC編碼,以降低計(jì)算復(fù)雜度。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,該算法平均能減少10.64%的編碼時(shí)間,而僅造成0.16%BD-Rate的增加,此外本文最后將所提3種算法進(jìn)行整合,系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)化深度圖的幀內(nèi)預(yù)測過程。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,與原有3D-HEVC相比,本算法能減少的編碼時(shí)間平均能達(dá)到43.09%,而BD-Rate僅增加了 1.06%。綜上,本文圍繞3D-HEVC深度圖編碼提出了一系列優(yōu)化算法,在保持3D-HEVC編碼效率的前提下,有效的降低了計(jì)算復(fù)雜度。本文的研究成果對于促進(jìn)3D-HEVC的應(yīng)用具有一定的意義和價(jià)值。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of multimedia communication technology and various video terminal processing capabilities, 3D video has become more and more popular in life. The previous generation of the H.264-based multi-view video coding standard does not meet the high-efficiency compression of the current increasing amount of 3D video data. Therefore, the Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video Coding Extension Development (JCT-3V) has developed a new-generation multi-view video coding standard, 3D-High Efficiency Video Coding. Although the 3D-HEVC has higher coding efficiency, it has a high computational complexity and severely limits the practical application of 3D video. Therefore, how to reduce the computational complexity of the 3D-HEVC on the premise of ensuring the quality of the 3D video is a hot topic in the current video technology field. At present, the general 3D video format is the multi-view video Plus Depth (MVD) of the texture video, in which the depth map plays an important role in the virtual viewpoint synthesis, but also introduces a large computational complexity. In this paper, the 3D-HEVC depth map is coded, the depth map is deeply analyzed, and a series of fast optimization algorithms are proposed to save the computational complexity on the premise of keeping the coding performance. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. A low-complexity depth-map intra-frame prediction algorithm based on depth classification is proposed. In this algorithm, the 3D-HEVC intra-prediction mode is divided into three classes _ smoothing class, direction angle class and depth class according to the depth map feature. The method comprises the following steps of: firstly, carrying out feature extraction on a depth prediction block by adopting a HOG characteristic, and secondly, performing mode judgment on the extracted feature by using an SVM training device, and performing RD-Cost calculation on all modes in the type of the depth block according to the judgment result to obtain an optimal prediction mode. The experimental results show that, compared with the original 3D-HEVC, the average time of the algorithm is shortened by 34. 85%, and the BD-Rate is only reduced by 0.14%. The original 3D-HEVC divides the CU by a recursive method and consumes a large amount of encoding time. In this paper, a method for quickly terminating a CU recursive partition is presented in this paper. First, the sum of the absolute value of the variance of the current code CU and the diagonal pixel difference is calculated and compared by the threshold method, it is determined whether the division of the CU is required to be terminated in advance. The experimental results of this algorithm show that, compared with the original 3D-HEVC, the mean time of the algorithm is reduced by 9.73%, and the BD-Rate only increases by 0. 02%. 3, and finally, this paper is optimized for the SDC coding. It is found that the choice of the SDC coding is closely related to the smoothness of the current prediction unit PU, and if the PU is relatively smooth, the possibility of selecting the SDC coding is high. Therefore, after a full search list is obtained, the sum of the absolute values of the current PU outer ring pixel difference is calculated, and the threshold value comparison is performed to determine whether the non-SDC encoding is skipped to reduce the computational complexity. The experimental results show that the algorithm can reduce the coding time of 10.64%, and only result in an increase of 0. 16% BD-Rate. In addition, the three algorithms are combined to optimize the intra-frame prediction process of the depth map. The experimental results show that compared with the original 3D-HEVC, the coding time can be reduced by 43. 09%, and the BD-Rate only increases by 1.06%. In this paper, a series of optimization algorithms are proposed around the 3D-HEVC depth map coding, and the computational complexity is effectively reduced on the premise of maintaining the coding efficiency of the 3D-HEVC. The research results of this paper are of great significance and value to the application of 3D-HEVC.


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