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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-08 16:54
【摘要】:隨著現(xiàn)代高科技的發(fā)展,柔性電路板(Flexible Printed Circuit Board,簡(jiǎn)稱FPC)對(duì)高密度、微孔徑提出越來越高的要求,傳統(tǒng)的機(jī)械加工方法已不能滿足此需求。飛秒激光微加工具有加工精度高、熱效應(yīng)小、損傷閾值低等優(yōu)點(diǎn),在打孔中廣泛應(yīng)用。偏振態(tài)是激光的基本參數(shù)之一,對(duì)微孔加工的特性有重要影響。本論文研究不同偏振態(tài)飛秒光束對(duì)FPC微孔加工特性,主要研究?jī)?nèi)容如下:首先,介紹了激光與材料的作用機(jī)理,以及激光作用金屬材料加工孔四個(gè)階段的作用過程。討論了現(xiàn)階段激光沖擊打孔法和輪廓迂回法的兩種打孔方式,并分析特點(diǎn)以及適用范圍。另外用公式推導(dǎo)了選用面積法測(cè)量損傷閾值的理論和可行性,設(shè)計(jì)光路和搭建實(shí)驗(yàn)系統(tǒng)測(cè)出了FPC在飛秒激光器單脈沖下的損傷閾值為25.44J/cm~2。其次,介紹了幾種常見偏振光束的物理幾何描述和四種偏振態(tài)的矢量光場(chǎng)。描述了空間光調(diào)制器的相位調(diào)制原理與4f光學(xué)系統(tǒng)原理。并設(shè)計(jì)了光路原理圖,利用通過空間光調(diào)制器計(jì)算得到計(jì)算機(jī)全息圖,結(jié)合1/2波片和1/4波片的快軸與水平方向的角度控制出線偏振光、圓偏振光、徑向偏振光和角向偏振光。最后,設(shè)計(jì)并搭建了加工實(shí)驗(yàn)系統(tǒng),其主要由飛秒激光器、空間光調(diào)制器、CCD相機(jī)和三維移動(dòng)平臺(tái)等組成。利用控制出的4種偏振態(tài)光束對(duì)FPC微孔加工特性分析,分析了脈沖能量對(duì)孔徑影響,不同偏振態(tài)光束對(duì)微孔圓度及燒蝕程度等影響。從實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果看出軸對(duì)稱矢量的徑向偏振光和角向偏振光加工后的孔徑稍大于線偏振和圓偏振。并得出線偏振光燒蝕最為嚴(yán)重,圓度最差;圓偏振光燒蝕情況較好,圓度比線偏光好;徑向偏振光和角向偏振光綜合上燒蝕情況和圓度比前兩種好,而且徑向偏振光加工微孔質(zhì)量更好。之后針對(duì)項(xiàng)目課題部分指標(biāo)進(jìn)行加工實(shí)驗(yàn)。
[Abstract]:With the development of modern high technology, flexible circuit board (Flexible Printed Circuit Board,) has put forward higher and higher requirements for high density and microaperture. The traditional machining method can not meet this demand. Femtosecond laser micromachining has many advantages such as high machining precision, low thermal effect and low damage threshold, so it is widely used in drilling. Polarization state is one of the basic parameters of laser, which has an important effect on the characteristics of micropore machining. The main contents of this thesis are as follows: firstly, the mechanism of laser interaction with materials and the four stages of laser processing of metal materials are introduced. In this paper, two kinds of drilling methods of laser impact drilling and contour roundabout are discussed, and their characteristics and application range are analyzed. In addition, the theory and feasibility of using the area method to measure the damage threshold are deduced. The damage threshold of FPC under the femtosecond laser pulse is 25.44 J / cm ~ (2) by designing an optical path and setting up an experimental system. Secondly, the physical geometry description of several common polarized light beams and the vector light fields of four kinds of polarization states are introduced. The principle of phase modulation and 4 f optical system of spatial light modulator are described. The principle diagram of optical path is designed, and the computer hologram is obtained by using spatial light modulator. Combined with the angle of fast axis and horizontal direction of 1 / 2 wave plate and 1 / 4 wave plate, the line polarized light and circularly polarized light are controlled. Radial polarized light and angular polarized light. Finally, a machining experiment system is designed and built, which consists of femtosecond laser, spatial light modulator, CCD camera and 3D mobile platform. The effects of pulse energy on pore diameter and the circularity and ablation degree of micropore in different polarization state beams were analyzed by analyzing the processing characteristics of FPC micropores by four kinds of controlled polarized beams. The experimental results show that the radial polarization and angular polarization of axisymmetric vector are slightly larger than that of linear and circular polarization. The results show that the ablation of linear polarized light is the most serious and the roundness is the worst, and the circular polarization is better than the linear polarization. The radial polarized light and the angular polarized light are better than the former two in the condition of ablation and roundness, and the quality of the micro-hole is better by the radial polarized light. After that, processing experiments are carried out for some indexes of the project.


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