

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-01 10:32
[Abstract]:Ultra-wideband radar (UWB) has many advantages, such as large wideband, strong anti-jamming, low probability of interception and so on, so it has been paid more and more attention by researchers in recent years. UWB radar in the field of positioning, especially in the field of indoor positioning more and more research. In this paper, the extraction and separation of the target echo signal from the original radar signal under the indoor one-dimensional range target location and tracking and the indoor two-dimensional plane target location and tracking are studied respectively for the UWB radar under the impact system. At the same time, the algorithm is realized by the upper computer. This paper first introduces the research status of UWB radar in the field of positioning, and compares it with other positioning systems. Secondly, the radar system used in this paper is introduced, and the performance of each module of the system is analyzed. At the same time, the model of UWB radar target detection under impact system is discussed. Then, the high resolution target location and tracking algorithm in indoor one-dimensional range location is studied. The algorithm first uses the moving target detection algorithm and the peak detection algorithm to extract the trajectory signal. Then, the proposed empirical mode decomposition algorithm based on entropy change criterion is used to reconstruct the noise signal. Compared with the signal obtained by the empirical mode decomposition and reconstruction algorithm based on the continuous mean square error criterion, the empirical mode decomposition algorithm based on entropy change criterion can effectively reduce the error. Obtain more accurate motion trajectory; Then the Kalman filter tracking algorithm is used to track the measured signal. In this paper, the indoor positioning model under the condition of indoor two-dimensional distance positioning is studied, including the azimuth arrival angle location model, (AOA), circumferential positioning model, (TOA), hyperbolic positioning model, (TDOA), and so on. The Chan algorithm and Fang algorithm based on hyperbolic localization model are studied. Then, an extended Kalman filter (IMM-EKF) tracking algorithm based on interactive multiple models is proposed, and the simulation results show that the algorithm is compared with the classical extended Kalman filter tracking algorithm. The IMM-EKF tracking algorithm is more mobile and can effectively reduce the abrupt noise interference. Finally, using MFC platform, the algorithm is implemented on the host computer, and the reliability and real-time performance of the algorithm and the system are verified by the measured data.


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