

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-22 19:52
[Abstract]:In order to avoid the disclosure of personal privacy information, the general data set is desensitized anonymously when it is published, which makes it impossible for an attacker to find the privacy information of a specific individual from the published data, thus avoiding being reputed. Loss of property or body In the current information age, as the most common personal data release scenario, the network service based on personal information will inevitably become a disaster area. The traditional network service model has only the privacy protection provided by the service side and the communication network, but when the user information becomes the gold mine of the merchant, the personal information of the user is collected maliciously, which makes the user become the "unsecretive person". At any time will be the unknown source of malicious attacks. Based on privacy protection, this paper discusses privacy information protection and its utility balance in interactive personal data publishing scenarios. After a comprehensive analysis of various anonymous protection release principles, a feedback penalty mechanism is proposed under the framework of traditional stochastic game theory. Based on the new idea that the sum of the risk of personalized attribute leakage is lower than the tolerance of privacy disclosure, a new idea of correcting the result of game is proposed, and a model of anonymous publication of personalized data with feedback penalty mechanism is constructed, and its effect is verified by experiments. This model can be abstracted as a mixed strategy complete information static game based on the service process between the service party and the user. By solving the Nash equilibrium of the mixed strategy to select the best coping strategy for the user, the user can always obtain the maximum benefit of the game. Experimental results show that the model can effectively improve the former. The conclusions are as follows: 1) the proposed model is stable to specific users in three aspects: data utility rate, privacy protection, and model contribution rate, that is, the proposed model is stable in terms of data utility rate, privacy protection degree and model contribution rate. These three do not change with the number of user service initiation, which reflects the stability of the model itself. 2) the use of the model is related to the user's own personalized property configuration, different users can get the data utility rate. The degree of privacy protection is different, which reflects the individuation of the model, on the other hand, it can ensure the balance between data utility and privacy protection.


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