

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-20 19:26
【摘要】:語音作為一種方便、快捷、有效的交流方式,在人們的日常生活中扮演著非常重要的角色。隨著社會科技的不斷進步及其人工智能的迅猛發(fā)展,語音信號也逐漸成為人-機交互的一種重要方式,其較傳統(tǒng)的人-機交互方式更加的便捷、高效和安全,故被廣泛應用于工業(yè)控制、醫(yī)療輔助、安防保障、智能家居等諸多方面。然而在實際的應用場景中語音信號不可避免的會受到周圍環(huán)境噪聲的干擾,進而影響語音質(zhì)量,導致其無法完成正常的人-機交互功能。因此語音增強作為一個能夠有效抑制噪聲分量,提高語音質(zhì)量的方法,具有重要的研究意義和應用價值。針對車載環(huán)境這一特定的應用場景,噪聲信號具有低頻分布、先驗知識不易獲得、與語音信號混合情況復雜等特點,造成了許多語音增強算法并不能很好的適用于車載環(huán)境。因此本文在分析車載噪聲和車載聲學場景的基礎上,建立噪聲信號和語音信號的卷積混合模型,研究盲源分離(Blind Source Separation,BSS)技術(shù)在車載環(huán)境下進行語音增強的有效性和可行性,以提高車載環(huán)境下帶噪語音信號的質(zhì)量和可懂度。本文具體開展了以下的工作:(1)車載聲學場景分析建模和噪聲估計算法研究。根據(jù)車載環(huán)境所固有的特點,分析車載噪聲的來源及其和駕駛員語音信號在車內(nèi)的傳播路徑,建立噪聲信號和語音信號在車內(nèi)的卷積混合模型。由于多數(shù)語音增強算法都需要噪聲的估計值作為消噪的先驗知識,因此噪聲估計的準確性將直接影響這些語音增強算法的性能。本文在歸納總結(jié)一些常用的語音處理理論基礎上,對現(xiàn)有常用的噪聲估計算法進行了研究,包括語音端點檢測噪聲估計算法和最小值控制遞歸平均噪聲估計算法。(2)語音質(zhì)量評價和語音增強算法研究。文章歸納總結(jié)了一些常用的語音信號質(zhì)量主客觀評價標準,并分析了這些評價標準的優(yōu)缺點。同時針對真實環(huán)境下客觀評價標準缺少參考源這一問題,本文構(gòu)建了一個基于隱馬爾科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)的小詞匯量語音識別引擎,并將語音識別率納入了無參考源語音質(zhì)量的評價體系中。對于語音增強算法的研究,文章首先實驗性分析了譜減法和維納濾波法這兩個經(jīng)典的語音增強算法,并給出了它們對車載帶噪語音信號的消噪結(jié)果;其次針對一些傳統(tǒng)語音增強算法的不足,本文提出了一個改進的小波閾值函數(shù)語音增強算法,該算法可有效抑制寬帶噪聲和提高語音質(zhì)量;最后文章闡述了獨立分量分析(Independent Component Analysis,ICA)的基本理論框架和實現(xiàn)原理,并重點研究了利用基于負熵的復值ICA在頻域盲解卷積,實現(xiàn)語音增強的過程。該ICA語音增強過程不僅可以較好的契合卷積混合模型,而且可以很好的彌補現(xiàn)有語音增強算法在車載環(huán)境中應用的不足。(3)基于卷積ICA的車載語音增強算法研究。文章根據(jù)語音信號和車載噪聲信號的卷積混合特性以及它們在頻域的非高斯分布特性,提出利用基于負熵極大的卷積ICA對車載帶噪語音信號進行語音增強,并對該增強過程進行針對性的優(yōu)化。文章在仿真環(huán)境,室內(nèi)環(huán)境,真實車載環(huán)境三種聲學場景下構(gòu)建了車載帶噪語音信號語料庫,并采用基于負熵的卷積ICA進行語音消噪。實驗結(jié)果表明,該卷積ICA消噪后語音信號的識別率較車載帶噪語音信號分別最高提高了18.33%,30%,27.5%,展現(xiàn)出該卷積ICA在車載聲學場景中應用的有效性和魯棒性。最后本文針對頻域盲解卷積ICA的語音消噪效果受語音信號分幀長度和幀移大小影響的問題進行了實驗性研究和闡述。(4)復雜環(huán)境下語音增強系統(tǒng)的研究和實現(xiàn)。本文在所研究的噪聲估計算法和語音增強算法基礎上,選擇部分算法結(jié)合語音媒體控制邏輯,在Windows平臺下利用C++實現(xiàn)了一套復雜環(huán)境下的語音增強系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)具有語音波形顯示,頻譜顯示,選擇性語音增強、語音播放保存等功能。測試結(jié)果表明,該系統(tǒng)不但具有較好的語音增強性能,同時獲得了較強的可靠性和魯棒性。
[Abstract]:As a convenient, fast and effective way of communication, speech plays a very important role in people's daily life. Along with the progress of social science and technology and the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the voice signal gradually becomes an important way of human-machine interaction. It is more convenient, efficient and safe than the traditional man-machine interactive mode, so it is widely used in industrial control and medical assistance. Security and security, smart home and other aspects. However, in the actual application scene, the voice signal is inevitably disturbed by surrounding environmental noise, and then the voice quality is influenced, and the normal person-machine interaction function can not be completed. Therefore, speech enhancement plays an important role in suppressing noise components and improving the quality of speech. Aiming at this particular application scene of vehicle-mounted environment, the noise signal has low frequency distribution, the prior knowledge is not easy to obtain, and the mixing condition of the voice signal is complicated and the like, so that many voice enhancement algorithms do not apply to the vehicle-mounted environment very well. Therefore, based on the analysis of vehicle-mounted noise and vehicle-mounted acoustic scene, this paper establishes the convolution mixture model of noise signal and speech signal, and researches the validity and feasibility of blind source separation (BSS) technology in vehicle-mounted environment. so as to improve the quality and the intelligibility of the noisy speech signal under the vehicle-mounted environment. In this paper, the following work is carried out: (1) on-board acoustic scene analysis modeling and noise estimation algorithm research. According to the inherent characteristics of vehicle-mounted environment, the source of vehicle-mounted noise and the propagation path of the driver's voice signal in the vehicle are analyzed, and the convolution mixture model of the noise signal and the voice signal in the vehicle is established. Since most speech enhancement algorithms require an estimate of noise as a priori knowledge of noise cancellation, the accuracy of the noise estimation will directly affect the performance of these speech enhancement algorithms. On the basis of summarizing some common speech processing theories, this paper studies the existing commonly used noise estimation algorithms, including the speech endpoint detection noise estimation algorithm and the minimum control recursive average noise estimation algorithm. (2) Speech quality evaluation and speech enhancement algorithm research. The main objective evaluation criteria of speech signal quality are summarized in this paper, and the advantages and disadvantages of these evaluation standards are analyzed. At the same time, we construct a small vocabulary speech recognition engine based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and integrate the speech recognition rate into the evaluation system without reference source speech quality. For the research of speech enhancement algorithm, the paper firstly analyzes the two classical speech enhancement algorithms of spectral subtraction and Wiener filtering, and gives their noise elimination results for vehicle-mounted noisy speech signal; secondly, aiming at the deficiency of some traditional speech enhancement algorithms, This paper presents an improved speech enhancement algorithm for small wave threshold functions, which can effectively suppress wideband noise and improve speech quality. Finally, the basic theoretical framework and implementation principle of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) are described. In this paper, we focus on the process of using complex value ICA based on negative entropy in the frequency domain blind deconvolution to realize the speech enhancement. The ICA speech enhancement process not only can better fit the convolution mixing model, but also can make up the deficiency of the existing speech enhancement algorithm in the vehicle-mounted environment. (3) Research on vehicle-mounted speech enhancement algorithm based on convolution ICA. Based on the convolution mixing characteristics of speech signal and vehicle-mounted noise signal and their non-Gaussian distribution in frequency domain, the speech enhancement of vehicle-mounted noisy speech signal using convolution ICA based on negative entropy is proposed, and the enhancement process is optimized. In this paper, an on-board noisy speech signal corpus was constructed under three acoustic scenes of environment, indoor environment and real vehicle environment, and the speech noise was eliminated by convolution ICA based on negative entropy. The experimental results show that the recognition rate of the speech signal after the convolution ICA is improved by 18. 33%, 30% and 27. 5% respectively, which shows the validity and robustness of the convolution ICA in the vehicle-mounted acoustic scene. In the end, the speech noise elimination effect of blind deconvolution ICA in frequency domain is studied and explained by the influence of frame length and frame shift size of speech signal. (4) Research and implementation of speech enhancement system under complex environment. In this paper, based on the studied noise estimation algorithm and speech enhancement algorithm, a part of the algorithm is selected to combine with the speech media control logic, and the speech enhancement system under a complex environment is realized with C ++ under the Windows platform. The system has the functions of voice waveform display, frequency spectrum display, selective speech enhancement, voice play preservation and the like. The test results show that the system not only has better speech enhancement performance, but also has better reliability and robustness.


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