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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-05 07:25
[Abstract]:Image aesthetic quality assessment is a hot research issue in computer vision field, and has great application prospect, which can be combined with many practical applications. Many related works define it as a classification problem, and use the "high quality" and "low quality" labels to describe the aesthetic quality of pictures, and combine the aesthetic features with the classification label learning classification model. Because the classification label is coarse-grained expression form and low practicability, this paper puts forward the relative ranking of aesthetic quality of fine-grained research. Although the classification model and regression model proposed by related work can also solve the task of aesthetic ranking, their sorting performance is poor because they only use the absolute aesthetic quality of pictures rather than the relative sort relation. Some work put forward the method of ranking prediction based on column ranking. However, in the process of training, the ratio 1) uses all possible sort relationships, but the comparison between pictures with great difference in content is not reasonable. 2) extracting predefined features as aesthetic features. However, this feature can not fully describe the aesthetic attributes of images. Aiming at the above problems, this paper first puts forward an aesthetic sorting scheme based on picture pair, constructs the image pair to reflect the sort relation in the training set, and takes it as the prediction model of sample training ranking, and improves the quality of the training in order to remove the noise. A reasonable picture pair screening strategy was used to filter the samples. In order to further improve the quality of samples, this paper proposes an image pair construction strategy based on image retrieval. Firstly, a content-based image retrieval system is built. According to the specific generation criteria, the query picture and the similar picture constitute a picture pair. In order to get rid of the limitation of predefined aesthetic characteristics, this paper proposes an aesthetic ranking scheme based on deep learning, builds a two-channel convolution neural network and designs the corresponding ranking loss layer, taking the image pair as the input. The network weight parameters are optimized with the order relation as the objective. In the process of testing, the sorting model calculates and outputs the relative aesthetic ranking score of the picture, and then sorts it, but the absolute value of the score is meaningless. In order to verify the validity of the proposed scheme, this paper carries out aesthetic sorting experiments in two large open datasets, CUHKPQ and AVA, and compares them with other schemes. The experimental results confirm the superiority of the proposed scheme in the task of aesthetic ranking.


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10 張U,




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