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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-03 10:46
【摘要】:隨著導(dǎo)航技術(shù)不斷發(fā)展,單一的導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)已不能滿足載體導(dǎo)航的精度和穩(wěn)定性,組合導(dǎo)航成為目前發(fā)展的主流方向。GPS/SINS組合是當(dāng)前流行的導(dǎo)航方式之一,能較好的提供載體的速度、姿態(tài)和位置信息,但是當(dāng)載體處于GPS信號受到干擾的區(qū)域(如街道、隧道、峽谷等),GPS/SINS組合導(dǎo)航的精度會受到干擾,穩(wěn)定性降低。為解決GPS信號缺失而帶來的影響,本文引入光流視覺導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng),將GPS/SINS/光流進(jìn)行組合,并進(jìn)行了相關(guān)研究。首先根據(jù)捷聯(lián)慣導(dǎo)解算原理和慣導(dǎo)元件的數(shù)學(xué)模型,設(shè)計(jì)了載體的軌跡發(fā)生器。利用軌跡發(fā)生器提供載體的速度、姿態(tài)和位置信息進(jìn)行捷聯(lián)解算matlab實(shí)驗(yàn)仿真,得出純捷聯(lián)慣導(dǎo)的不足。為解決捷聯(lián)慣導(dǎo)誤差發(fā)散的問題,提出GPS/SINS組合方法,考慮載體為微型四旋翼飛行器,系統(tǒng)為非線性系統(tǒng),故采用EKF代替KF進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)融合濾波,并進(jìn)行實(shí)驗(yàn)仿真,表明GPS/SINS組合要優(yōu)于純捷聯(lián)慣導(dǎo)。然后,引入光流視覺導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng),選用Hom-Schunck法進(jìn)行光流計(jì)算載體的速度信息。為了提高導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)的容錯(cuò)能力,選用聯(lián)邦濾波組合結(jié)構(gòu),設(shè)計(jì)了GPS/SINS和SINS/光流兩個(gè)子濾波器,組成了 GPS/SINS/光流的組合導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng),并采用EKF進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)濾波。通過四旋翼實(shí)際飛行試驗(yàn)對比,結(jié)果表明GPS/SINS/光流組合的導(dǎo)航效果要優(yōu)于GPS/SINS組合。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of navigation technology, the single navigation system can not meet the accuracy and stability of carrier navigation. Integrated navigation has become the mainstream direction of development. GPS / sins integration is one of the most popular navigation methods. It can provide the velocity, attitude and position information of the carrier, but the accuracy of GPS / sins integrated navigation will be disturbed and the stability will be reduced when the carrier is in the area where the GPS signal is interfered (such as streets, tunnels, canyons, etc.). In order to solve the influence caused by the lack of GPS signal, the optical flow visual navigation system is introduced in this paper, the GPS/SINS/ optical flow is integrated, and the related research is carried out. Firstly, the track generator of carrier is designed according to the principle of sins solution and the mathematical model of inertial navigation element. The matlab simulation of strapdown solution is carried out by using the velocity, attitude and position information of carrier provided by the locus generator, and the shortage of pure strapdown inertial navigation is obtained. In order to solve the problem of error divergence of strapdown inertial navigation system, a GPS/SINS combination method is proposed. Considering that the carrier is a micro four-rotor aircraft and the system is a nonlinear system, EKF is used instead of KF for data fusion filtering, and the experimental simulation is carried out. It shows that the GPS/SINS combination is superior to the pure strapdown inertial navigation system. Then, the optical flow visual navigation system is introduced, and the Hom-Schunck method is used to calculate the velocity information of the carrier. In order to improve the fault-tolerant ability of the navigation system, the federated filter integrated structure is selected. Two sub-filters, GPS/SINS and SINS/, are designed to form the integrated navigation system of the GPS/SINS/ optical flow, and the EKF is used to filter the data. The results show that the navigation effect of GPS/SINS/ optical flow combination is better than that of GPS/SINS combination.


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