

發(fā)布時間:2018-09-01 15:03
【摘要】:隨著我國教育體制改革的不斷深入,各高校校園網(wǎng)絡對寬帶需求、多業(yè)務需求和安全問題等要求不斷增高,IPv4網(wǎng)絡的校園網(wǎng)已經(jīng)不能適應目前校園網(wǎng)絡的應用需求。當前,我國下一代互聯(lián)網(wǎng)示范工程(CNGI)核心網(wǎng)CERNET2采用純IPv6技術,為全國200余所高校和科研單位提供IPv6接入服務,IPv6技術及相關的設備都已趨于成熟。由此,IPv6校園網(wǎng)建設需引起高度重視,研究和設計基于IPv6的智慧校園網(wǎng)絡具有十分重要的意義。IPv6智慧校園網(wǎng)絡建設中面臨著諸多挑戰(zhàn)。首先,物聯(lián)網(wǎng)作為IPv6智慧校園網(wǎng)絡中的主要技術,缺乏統(tǒng)一的IPv6通信標準,現(xiàn)有的TCP/IP協(xié)議棧不能滿足這一需求,需要一種新型的協(xié)議棧來解決物體之間、物體與人之間的信息交互問題。其次,物聯(lián)網(wǎng)底層的傳感器節(jié)點使用的是IEEE802.15.4協(xié)議,而IEEE802.15.4的物理層可負載使用的報文長度非常有限,想要IPv6運行在IEEE802.15.4上需要提高負載的傳輸效率,把報頭進行壓縮。最后,物聯(lián)網(wǎng)底層網(wǎng)絡節(jié)點相比普通網(wǎng)絡節(jié)點通信能力較差,而類似于DHCP這樣的傳統(tǒng)地址自動配置方案在網(wǎng)絡中的通信延遲較高且需要較高的能量和帶寬消耗,因此不適合應用在物聯(lián)網(wǎng)中,所以,需要研究適用于物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的新的地址自動配置方案。本文就IPv6智慧校園網(wǎng)絡建設中遇到的這三個問題,從現(xiàn)實角度針對這些問題,在使用6LoWPAN協(xié)議基礎上,提出了一種基于三維空間的地址配置解決辦法和改進的LOWPAN_IPHC報頭壓縮設計方案。本文的主要研究內容及研究成果包括如下幾個方面:1、基于三維空間的地址配置方案。在該方案中,當6LoWPAN節(jié)點申請IPv6地址時,利用節(jié)點的三維空間坐標唯一性,將三維坐標設計成16bit短地址,再將16bit短地址映射成128bit的IPv6地址,并進行IPv6地址重復檢測。此外,通過方針軟件平臺對三維空間地址配置方案進行方針測試,并與Strong DAD和LISAA地址配置方案進行實驗對比和分析以驗證本方案的有效性。2、改進的LOWPAN_IPHC報頭壓縮方案。該方案采用上述無狀態(tài)三維空間地址配置方法前提下,只保留LoWPAN_IPHC中的無狀態(tài)模式,去除了編碼中CID、SAC、DAC字段,加入GL(Global/Local)地址控制字段,設計了一種傳輸效率更高的報頭壓縮方案,最后在仿真環(huán)境下,與LoWPAN_IPHC報頭壓縮方案進行了實驗對比和分析以驗證其有效性。3、基于6LoWPAN的智慧校園物聯(lián)網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)仿真實現(xiàn)。以云南師范大學正在建設中的智慧校園網(wǎng)絡為例,設計了基于6LoWPAN的智慧校園物聯(lián)網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)在物聯(lián)網(wǎng)感知底層采用6LoWPAN協(xié)議,采用三維空間地址配置方案組成星型網(wǎng)絡,并使用改進的LOWPAN_IPHC報頭壓縮方案進行數(shù)據(jù)傳輸,從實際應用角度進一步驗證了三維空間地址配置方案和改進的LOWPAN_IPHC報頭壓縮方案的可行性。在我國高校智慧校園網(wǎng)絡建設背景下,分析了當前IPv6智慧校園發(fā)展中所遇到的問題,并從實際角度出發(fā),提出和設計了三維空間地址配置方案和改進的LOWPAN_IPHC報頭壓縮方案,并將其應用于智慧校園物聯(lián)網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)建設中。經(jīng)過仿真實驗測試,證明了本文所提出的三維空間地址配置方案和改進的LOWPAN_IPHC報頭壓縮方案具有一定的可行性和應用價值。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of education system in China, the demand for broadband, multi-service and security in campus network of colleges and universities is increasing. The campus network of IPv4 network can no longer meet the application demand of campus network. At present, the core network CERNET2 of China's Next Generation Internet Demonstration Project (CNGI) adopts pure IPv6 technology. More than 200 universities and research institutes across the country provide IPv6 access services. IPv6 technology and related equipment have become mature. Therefore, the construction of IPv6 campus network needs to be highly valued. It is of great significance to study and design IPv6-based smart campus network. IPv6 smart campus network construction is facing many challenges. First, the Internet of Things. As the main technology of IPv6 smart campus network, there is no unified IPv6 communication standard. The existing TCP/IP protocol stack can not meet this requirement. A new protocol stack is needed to solve the problem of information exchange between objects and between objects. Secondly, the sensor nodes in the bottom layer of the Internet of Things use IEEE 802.15.4 protocol, while IEEE 8 protocol. The physical layer of 02.15.4 has a very limited payload length. To run IPv6 on IEEE 802.15.4, it is necessary to improve the transmission efficiency of the payload and compress the header. Finally, the underlying network nodes of the Internet of Things (IOT) have a poor communication capability compared with ordinary network nodes, while traditional address auto-configuration schemes such as DHCP are used in the network. Because of the high communication delay and high energy and bandwidth consumption, it is not suitable to be used in the Internet of Things. Therefore, it is necessary to study a new automatic address configuration scheme for the Internet of Things. This paper presents an address configuration solution based on three-dimensional space and an improved LOWPAN_IPHC header compression design scheme. The main contents and research results of this paper include the following aspects: 1. Address configuration scheme based on three-dimensional space. The uniqueness of the standard is achieved by designing the three-dimensional coordinates into 16-bit short addresses, mapping the 16-bit short addresses to 128-bit IPv6 addresses, and repeatedly detecting the IPv6 addresses. The scheme only retains the stateless mode in LoWPAN_IPHC, eliminates the CID, SAC, DAC fields in the coding, and adds GL (Global/Local) address control field to design a more efficient header compression scheme. Finally, the scheme is compared and analyzed with LoWPAN_IPHC header compression scheme in simulation environment to verify its effectiveness. 3. The simulation of intelligent campus Internet of Things system based on 6LoWPAN is realized. Taking the intelligent campus network under construction of Yunnan Normal University as an example, the intelligent campus Internet of Things system based on 6LoWPAN is designed. In the bottom layer of the Internet of Things, 6 LoWPAN protocol is adopted, three-dimensional spatial address configuration scheme is adopted to form a star network, and improved LOWPAN_IPHC header compression scheme is used for data transmission. The feasibility of the three-dimensional spatial address configuration scheme and the improved LOWPAN_IPHC header compression scheme is further verified from the practical application point of view. Under the background of the construction of smart campus network in Chinese universities, this paper analyzes the problems encountered in the development of IPv6 smart campus, and puts forward and designs the three-dimensional spatial address configuration scheme and the improved LOWPAN_IPHC header compression scheme from the practical point of view, and applies it to the construction of smart campus Internet of Things system. It is proved that the proposed three-dimensional spatial address configuration scheme and the improved LOWPAN_IPHC header compression scheme have certain feasibility and application value.


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