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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-01 05:59
[Abstract]:In the modern automobile manufacturing industry, painting is the key process, and the conveyor works in the whole process of automobile painting production line. Its performance has a great impact on the surface treatment effect of the white body. Under the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51375210), a new type of automotive electrophoretic coating conveyor was developed based on the hybrid mechanism to compensate for the shortcomings of the above conveyor. The new conveyor developed by our research group has many advantages. There is coupling between active joints and two symmetrical mechanical structures, so synchronous coordination between active joints affects the overall performance of the mechanism. For a new type of hybrid transmission mechanism, when the kinematics and dynamics control method is used directly in the series mechanism, it is neglected that the hybrid mechanism includes more than one. In order to ensure the smooth and reliable operation of the conveying mechanism in various working environments, it is necessary to improve the synchronous coordination among the active joints. Firstly, the tracking error, synchronous error and design between the active joints are defined. A synchronous coordination controller based on active joint synchronization error is proposed. However, although the tracking error of active joints is reduced, the reduction of tracking error does not necessarily reduce the contour error, so it is difficult to guarantee the tracking accuracy of the end of the mechanism. In the system, the main index to measure the tracking accuracy of the end trajectory of the mechanism is the contour error. The other errors in the hybrid mechanism system all respond to the contour error eventually. Therefore, in order to improve the tracking accuracy of the end trajectory of the mechanism, a method for estimating the contour error of the end trajectory of the mechanism is proposed, and a method based on the contour error is designed. Synchronous coordinated controller can not only reduce the tracking error and synchronous error of active joints, but also improve the trajectory tracking accuracy of the end of the mechanism. Firstly, this paper summarizes the development of existing automotive electrophoretic coating conveyor and hybrid mechanism, and the research status of contour error control based on it. The kinematics and dynamics analysis of the transport mechanism of automotive electrophoretic coating are carried out, and the results of kinematics and dynamics analysis are simulated by MATLAB. The simulation results show the correctness of kinematics analysis and dynamics analysis. At the same time, the transport is determined according to the requirements of automotive electrophoretic coating process and the parameters of the prototype developed by reducing the proportion. The desired trajectory of the end effector of the mechanism is analyzed, and the workspace of the prototype is analyzed, and the schematic diagram of the workspace is given. Secondly, in order to solve the problem of synchronous coordination among the moving branches and chains in the running process of the conveyor mechanism and the problem of the error of the end contour of the prototype, a passing phase is proposed according to its structure and motion characteristics. Active joint synchronization error is defined by the deviation of tracking error of adjacent active joints, and an active joint synchronization and coordination controller is designed based on the deviation of tracking error of adjacent active joints. Compared with the active joint synchronous coordinating controller, the simulation results show that the control algorithm has higher trajectory tracking accuracy and further improves the synchronous coordinating motion performance of the conveying mechanism because of further reducing the profile error of the end of the mechanism. According to the control requirements of conveyor mechanism, a prototype experimental platform of conveyor mechanism is constructed, and the control experiment of conveyor mechanism is completed based on this platform. The experimental results further verify the effectiveness of the controller based on contour error control designed in this paper.


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