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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-12 11:08

  本文選題:機(jī)器人系統(tǒng) + 運(yùn)動控制; 參考:《山東建筑大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As an important handling tool in logistics industry, palletizing robot is widely used in different fields.The palletizing robot can greatly simplify the transportation flow and improve the transportation efficiency by directly carrying out palletizing and loading operations to the open freight cars, which is favored by people.Many researches in the field of automatic loading have exposed many shortcomings in the level of intelligent development and application. At present, there is not a highly efficient and intelligent palletizing robot that can satisfy the loading field.In order to solve the problems of poor positioning accuracy and low efficiency of automatic equipment to the carriage of freight cars, an intelligent robot control system for positioning and palletizing of visual vehicles is proposed in this paper.According to the function and technical requirement of the practical industrial field application, this paper designs the control system of the loading and palletizing robot based on the PC motion controller.The general frame of the control system with vehicle positioning function is put forward. The hardware is composed of industrial camera, industrial control computer, motion controller and its peripheral equipment. The electrical schematic diagram of the hardware system is designed and completed.Based on the principle of modularization, the framework of the software control system is constructed and used as the bus. The research context of the paper is carried out with the motion control subsystem, the loading positioning subsystem, the communication module, the man-machine interface, and so on.The motion control subsystem of palletizing robot is constructed and studied. Combined with the four-degree-of-freedom palletizing robot ontology developed by the project, the robot motion model based on D-H method is established, and kinematics analysis and spatial analysis are studied.In order to improve the flexibility and efficiency of the palletizing robot control system, the space and planning of palletizing loading can be carried out in the early stage, and the kinematics planning of the palletizing robot can be carried out in a concise and reasonable way to improve the flexibility and efficiency of the palletizing robot control system.The positioning subsystem of the control system of palletizing robot based on PC is constructed, and the positioning scheme of monocular vision is adopted.Through JAI high performance industrial camera to collect the goods picture placed in the specified position, add HALCON and OPENCV image library files in VC 6.0 for programming, adopt the image matching processing algorithm based on template.Determine the position and orientation of the goods under the image visual coordinate system.After the mathematical transformation of the coordinate data of the visual image, the coordinate is obtained in the robot coordinate system, and the position and pose of the truck carriage under the robot coordinate system are deduced.Finally, the loading scheme is designed and the diagonal car planning path is designed according to the volume of the car, and the stacking loading platform is built by simulating the industrial site.The positioning experiment and loading planning experiment are carried out through the control system of palletizing robot, and the loading location data and cargo target position data of palletizing vehicle are analyzed.The feasibility and accuracy of the control system are verified and solved.


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