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高穩(wěn)定性Si APD單光子探測器研制

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-12 08:16

  本文選題:單光子探測 + 硅雪崩光電二極管; 參考:《華東師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:單光子探測器作為一種超高靈敏度的光電轉(zhuǎn)換器件,被廣泛應(yīng)用于量子信息,生物檢測,自由空間光通信,遠(yuǎn)距離激光測距,激光三維成像和天文觀測等眾多領(lǐng)域。在諸多類型的單光子探測器中,基于雪崩光電二極管(APD)的單光子探測器憑借其在蓋革模式工作時具有的高內(nèi)部雪崩增益,低噪聲,低功耗,小尺寸,驅(qū)動簡單,無需超低溫等諸多優(yōu)點(diǎn),是實(shí)用化的微弱光信號探測器件之一,并且可進(jìn)一步形成陣列器件,適用于機(jī)載和星載激光雷達(dá)系統(tǒng)等移動平臺。但是APD實(shí)際應(yīng)用中存在一個不可忽視的問題,其雪崩點(diǎn)電壓會隨著溫度變化,導(dǎo)致雪崩增益發(fā)生變化,直接影響到探測效率、暗計數(shù)等重要的性能指標(biāo),使得測量出現(xiàn)較大誤差,嚴(yán)重時甚至可能損毀器件,而目前絕大多數(shù)的SiAPD單光子探測器都是基于室溫設(shè)計,工作溫度范圍有限,這極大地限制了探測器全天候野外條件下的實(shí)際應(yīng)用。針對這個問題,本文發(fā)展了一種適應(yīng)大溫度范圍的單光子探測技術(shù),采用溫度控制與直流偏壓補(bǔ)償兩者相結(jié)合的方法,實(shí)現(xiàn)雪崩點(diǎn)電壓溫度漂移的自動補(bǔ)償,從而擴(kuò)大Si APD可穩(wěn)定工作的溫度范圍,滿足不同溫度環(huán)境的實(shí)際應(yīng)用需求。偏壓補(bǔ)償部分先后嘗試了模擬電路偏壓補(bǔ)償方式和基于AVR單片機(jī)的數(shù)字偏壓補(bǔ)償方式,并對所研制的SiAPD單光子探測器進(jìn)行性能測試及分析,驗證了方案的可行性,最終實(shí)現(xiàn)了-40℃~45℃的溫度范圍內(nèi)的高穩(wěn)定性的單光子探測器,表明所研制的偏壓自動補(bǔ)償?shù)腟i APD單光子探測器具備了在溫度變化較大的外場穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行的能力,為機(jī)載或星載光子計數(shù)激光測量提供了高穩(wěn)定的單光子探測技術(shù)支持。此外,基于蓋革模式雪崩光電二極管的特性分析,結(jié)合硬件電路和LabVIEW軟件編程,設(shè)計了一個蓋革模式雪崩光電二極管性能測試裝置,借助該測試裝置,能方便快捷地實(shí)現(xiàn)蓋革模式雪崩光電二極管的性能測試及初步篩選。
[Abstract]:As a kind of ultra-high sensitivity photoelectric conversion device, single photon detector is widely used in many fields such as quantum information, biological detection, free space optical communication, remote laser ranging, laser 3D imaging and astronomical observation.Among many types of single photon detectors, single photon detectors based on avalanche photodiodes (APD) have high internal avalanche gain, low noise, low power consumption, small size and simple drive when they operate in the Geiger mode.It is one of the practical weak light signal detectors and can form array devices which can be applied to mobile platforms such as airborne and spaceborne lidar systems.However, there is a problem that can not be ignored in the practical application of APD. The avalanche voltage will change with temperature, which will directly affect the detection efficiency, dark count and other important performance indicators.Because of the large error in measurement, the device may even be damaged when it is serious. At present, most SiAPD single photon detectors are designed at room temperature, and the operating temperature range is limited.This greatly limits the practical application of the detector under all weather conditions in the field.In order to solve this problem, a single photon detection technique suitable for large temperature range is developed in this paper. The method of temperature control and DC bias compensation is adopted to realize the automatic compensation of voltage temperature drift of avalanche point.Thus, the temperature range of Si APD can work stably and meet the practical application requirements of different temperature environments.In the part of bias compensation, analog circuit bias compensation method and digital bias compensation method based on AVR single chip microcomputer are tried. The performance of the developed SiAPD single photon detector is tested and analyzed, and the feasibility of the scheme is verified.The single photon detector with high stability in the temperature range of -40 鈩,




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