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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-11 17:32

  本文選題:陣列信號處理 + 非圓信號。 參考:《中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, improving the performance of DOA estimation by using the statistical characteristics of signals has become an important research field in array signal processing.Among them, non-circular signals have attracted more and more attention because of their excellent performance in array aperture expansion and estimation accuracy improvement.Non-circular signal is a kind of signal whose statistical characteristics are not rotation-invariant, and it is very common in modern communication fields, such as AM-BPSK and UQPSK signals.At the same time, with the increasing demand for the resolution and accuracy of DOA estimation in modern radar and communication systems, the demand for high-performance DOA estimation algorithm is becoming more and more urgent.Therefore, the research of high resolution DOA estimation algorithm based on non-circular signal has very important theoretical significance and practical value.Although some achievements have been made in the research of this problem, the research on arbitrary non-circular rate signal and coherent non-circular signal is not sufficient.On the basis of the existing achievements, this paper makes a further study on this problem, the main work can be summarized as follows: 1.In order to improve the performance of DOA estimation for arbitrary non-circular rate signals, a high-resolution DOA estimation algorithm based on center-symmetric arrays is proposed by combining the non-circular characteristics of the signals with the centrosymmetric characteristic of the array.Most arrays in practical applications belong to centrosymmetric arrays, such as uniform linear arrays, symmetrical linear arrays and uniform plane arrays.Because the elements of a centrosymmetric array are symmetric with respect to the center point, the delay relative to the center point is just the opposite when the symmetric array element receives the far-field signal.Therefore, the array guidance vector has conjugate symmetry.By combining the conjugate symmetry of the steering vector and the non-circular characteristic of the signal, the estimation of the steering vector in the incident direction of each signal can be obtained directly.According to the relationship between the steering vector and the DOA, all the angles of incidence can be solved.We not only give one-dimensional DOA estimation method, but also give two-dimensional DOA estimation method by taking uniform plane matrix and uniform circular array as examples.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has significant advantages in terms of resolution, estimation accuracy and robustness to noise.For the DOA estimation of non-circular signals under multipath propagation, because of the existence of coherent signals and the lack of rank of the signal covariance matrix, the traditional high-resolution algorithm is invalid.To solve this problem, we propose a DOA estimation algorithm for processing coherent noncircular signals.Firstly, the group guidance vectors of each group are estimated by using non-circular properties, and the Toeplitz matrix is reconstructed by both forward and backward group guidance vectors, and the corresponding composite matrices are obtained.By decomposing these matrices, the initial DOA estimation of each group can be obtained by using the traditional high resolution algorithm.In order to further improve the estimation accuracy, the corresponding group guidance vector is reconstructed by using the initial estimation results of each group, and the more accurate DOA estimation is obtained by matrix oblique projection and forward and backward spatial smoothing.Due to the realization of packet estimation, the number of matrix elements needed by the algorithm is reduced, but the estimation accuracy is improved.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has good performance, especially in the case of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and small rapid-shot, the proposed algorithm can be used to estimate DOA accurately.


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