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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-10 23:12

  本文選題:光學(xué)諧振腔 + 共振光隧穿效應(yīng); 參考:《太原理工大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:針對當(dāng)前光學(xué)器件正在朝集成化、小型化發(fā)展,共振光隧穿光學(xué)諧振腔由于微體積、高集成度、高品質(zhì)因子(Q)、光場局域性強(qiáng)等優(yōu)點,在改善微納光學(xué)器件性能上展現(xiàn)出了重要的研究價值,并在光開關(guān)、光學(xué)折射率計等傳感器方向展現(xiàn)出了重要的發(fā)展?jié)摿。本文調(diào)研了國內(nèi)外典型光學(xué)諧振腔的研究現(xiàn)狀,針對共振光隧穿效應(yīng),采用理論推導(dǎo)與模擬仿真相結(jié)合的方法,詳細(xì)分析了共振光隧穿效應(yīng)的傳輸機(jī)理,并將其應(yīng)用于光學(xué)加速度傳感器。本文首先研究了基于傳輸矩陣法(TMM)的多層介質(zhì)光傳播理論,并將其應(yīng)用于共振光隧穿結(jié)構(gòu)的理論推導(dǎo)和傳輸特性分析。其中,詳細(xì)討論了入射波長、偏振態(tài)、隧穿層厚度以及共振腔寬度對ROTE結(jié)構(gòu)傳輸特性的影響。本文介紹了基于時域有限差分法的光學(xué)仿真軟件FDTD Solutions,并應(yīng)用該軟件建立了共振光隧穿結(jié)構(gòu)的物理仿真模型。通過仿真分析,詳細(xì)討論了不同偏振態(tài)和隧穿層厚度對輸出透射譜以及共振腔中駐波強(qiáng)度的影響,進(jìn)一步加深了對共振光隧穿效應(yīng)機(jī)理的理解。本文將共振光隧穿結(jié)構(gòu)應(yīng)用于傳感器的設(shè)計,提出了一種具有高Q值的光學(xué)加速度計,同時使用COMSOL軟件仿真了傳感器的性能。結(jié)果表明,該傳感器的Q值能夠達(dá)到8.857×107,測量范圍為±130g,靈敏度為9pm/g,工作帶寬為10-1500Hz,該傳感器為改善集成光學(xué)加速度傳感器的分辨性能和測量范圍等提供了新的思路和方法,具有廣闊的應(yīng)用前景。
[Abstract]:In view of the current development of optical devices towards integration and miniaturization, the resonant optical tunneling resonator has the advantages of micro volume, high integration, high quality factor QN, strong optical field localization, etc.It has shown important research value in improving the performance of micro / nano optical devices, and has shown important development potential in the field of optical switches, optical refractive index meters and other sensors.In this paper, the research status of typical optical resonators at home and abroad is investigated, and the transmission mechanism of resonant optical tunneling effect is analyzed in detail by combining theoretical derivation and simulation, aiming at the resonant light tunneling effect.It is applied to the optical acceleration sensor.In this paper, the theory of multilayer dielectric optical propagation based on the transfer matrix method (TMMM) is studied, and it is applied to the theoretical derivation of resonant optical tunneling structure and the analysis of transmission characteristics.The effects of incident wavelength, polarization state, tunneling layer thickness and resonant cavity width on the transmission characteristics of ROTE structures are discussed in detail.In this paper, the optical simulation software FDTD Solutions based on finite-difference time-domain method is introduced, and the physical simulation model of resonant optical tunneling structure is established by using the software.The effects of different polarization states and tunneling layer thickness on the output transmission spectrum and the standing wave intensity in the resonant cavity are discussed in detail through simulation analysis. The mechanism of resonant light tunneling effect is further understood.In this paper, the resonant light tunneling structure is applied to the design of the sensor, and an optical accelerometer with high Q value is proposed, and the performance of the sensor is simulated by using COMSOL software.The results show that the Q value of the sensor can reach 8.857 脳 10 ~ (7), the measuring range is 鹵130 g, the sensitivity is 9 pm / g, and the working bandwidth is 10 ~ (-1500) Hz. The sensor provides a new idea and method for improving the resolution and measurement range of the integrated optical acceleration sensor.It has broad application prospect.


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