

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-10 15:44

  本文選題:可見光通信 + CSK調制; 參考:《東南大學》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著頻譜資源被大量的開發(fā)利用,頻譜資源越來越稀缺,同時隨著人們的環(huán)保健康意識的增強,射頻對人體的輻射危害也逐漸進入人們的視線,這些促使人們尋找一種新興的接入方式。同時,隨著LED技術的逐漸成熟并隨之應用于人們的生活,利用LED進行的可見光通信技術由于其潛在帶寬資源豐富,綠色安全無輻射的特點,逐漸受到研究人員的關注,并對其進行了大量的研究。本文主要研究了多色可見光通信技術中的調制技術,包括CSK星座點設計,星座點概率分布優(yōu)化等方面,還針對可見光信道中存在的散彈噪聲,給出了相應的檢測優(yōu)化方案。首先,本文介紹了可見光通信的研究背景以及國內外的研究進展,并對可見光通信中的調制技術領域的研究進行了簡要介紹。隨后針對多色可見光通信系統(tǒng)模型進行建模,對可見光信道特性,信道噪聲組成等方面進行了分析,并對本文所涉及的色移鍵控(CSK)的調制解調方案做了詳細描述。隨后,本文對四色可見光通信中的等概分布的CSK星座點設計問題進行了研究。在該問題中,為了保證合成白光的質量,我們引入色溫以及顯色指數(shù)約束,并將該非線性約束轉換為線性約束,通過迭代優(yōu)化的方法獲得最優(yōu)星座點分布。然后我們利用該方案在不同光源,亮度以及色溫條件下進行了星座點優(yōu)化和系統(tǒng)仿真,仿真結果顯示,該優(yōu)化方法能有效地增大星座點間的最小距離,相比三色CSK調制在性能上有較大的增益。同時根據(jù)仿真結果的特點給出了一個能夠使四色LED燈組工作在最佳狀態(tài)的照明方案。接著,本文對四色可見光通信規(guī)則星座圖下的概率分布進行了優(yōu)化。為了減小傳輸端的硬件復雜度,通信系統(tǒng)通常采用規(guī)則的星座圖。本章為了減小調制信號的平均發(fā)射功率,引入格柵成形(Trellis Shaping)技術,并針對四色通信系統(tǒng)獨有的特點,提出了兩種Shaping方式:聯(lián)合Shaping和分組Shaping。聯(lián)合Shaping是將發(fā)射信號看作四維信號,改變四維星座圖上的每個星座點出現(xiàn)的概率,增大能量較少的星座點出現(xiàn)概率同時減小能量較大的星座點出現(xiàn)的概率。分組Shaping方案則針對兩路信號獨立傳輸,根據(jù)四色通信的特點,將數(shù)據(jù)分成獨立的兩路進行傳輸,并對每一路進行Shaping。仿真結果顯示,兩種Shaping方案均能明顯地減小發(fā)射功率,同時調制階數(shù)越高,Shaping所帶來的性能提升越大。最后,本文還針對可見光通信中散彈噪聲對解調器性能的影響展開研究。本章首先提出了一種在光信道下利用導頻序列測量信號無關噪聲(SIGN)和信號相關噪聲(SDGN)比重的方法,隨后針對2-PAM檢測算法改進了解調信號的似然比計算公式,在采用LDPC碼的編碼調制系統(tǒng)中,改進方法能明顯地提升系統(tǒng)性能,同時在LDPC最小和算法基礎上提出了一種簡化的似然比計算方案,該種計算方式對噪聲估計誤差不敏感,計算復雜度低。仿真結果表明,兩種似然比計算方式均能帶來不同程度的性能增益,而針對最小和算法的改進方案具有較高的魯棒性。
[Abstract]:With the use of a large number of spectrum resources are developed, the spectrum resources are increasingly scarce, and with the awareness of environmental health, RF radiation harm to human body is gradually into people's attention, which has prompted the search for a new access method. At the same time, with the maturity of LED technology and then applied to the people life, the use of LED visible light communication technology because of its potential bandwidth resources, characteristics of green safe radiation, gradually attention by researchers, and a lot of research. This paper mainly studies the modulation technology of multi-color visible light communication technology, including the CSK constellation design aspect, constellation point probability distribution optimization, in the presence of visible light shot noise in the channel, the corresponding detection optimization scheme. Firstly, this paper introduces the research background and the visible light communication The research progress at home and abroad, and the research of modulation technology in the field of optical communication are introduced. Then the modeling for polychromatic visible light communication system model, the visible light channel characteristics, analyzes the channel noise composition, and are involved in this paper and the color shift keying (CSK). Modulation and demodulation scheme is described in detail. Then, the CSK constellation design problem the probability distribution of color in the visible light communication is studied. In this problem, in order to ensure the quality of the synthesis of white light, we introduce the color temperature and color rendering index constraints, and the nonlinear constraints into linear constraints, obtained the optimal distribution of constellation points through the iterative optimization method. Then we use the method in different light, brightness and color temperature conditions for constellation optimization and system simulation, the simulation results show that the optimization method can To effectively increase the minimum distance between the constellation points, compared to three CSK modulation has a greater gain in performance. At the same time, according to the simulation results presented a four-color LED lamp group can make the work in the best lighting scheme. Then, the probability of four visible light communication constellation diagram under the rules of distribution optimization. In order to reducing transport terminal hardware complexity, communication systems usually adopt rules of the constellation. This chapter in order to reduce the average transmit power modulation signal, (Trellis Shaping) the introduction of grid forming technology, and according to the unique characteristics of four communication system, puts forward two kinds of Shaping: Shaping and Shaping. combined with Shaping group joint the emission signal as a four-dimensional signal, change the probability of each point on the constellation constellation 4D appears, constellation increases the probability of less energy and reduce energy than the big star A little probability appeared. Shaping packet scheme is for two independent signal transmission, according to the characteristics of four communication, the data is divided into two independent transmission, and each path of the Shaping. simulation results show that the two Shaping schemes can significantly reduce the transmit power at the same time, the higher the modulation order, the performance of Shaping bring the greater promotion. Finally, aiming at the influence of visible light communication on the performance of shot noise demodulator is researched. This chapter first proposes the use of a pilot sequence measuring signals in the optical channel independent noise (SIGN) and signal noise (SDGN) proportion method, then the 2-PAM detection algorithm improved understanding of likelihood ratio calculation formula of the modulated signal, the LDPC code encoding modulation system, the improved method can significantly improve the system performance, and proposes a simple algorithm based on minimum and in LDPC The likelihood ratio calculation scheme is not sensitive to the noise estimation error and the computational complexity is low. The simulation results show that the two likelihood ratio methods can bring different performance gains, and the improved algorithm for minimum sum algorithm has high robustness.



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