

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-03 11:44

  本文選題:時序分類 切入點:特征提取 出處:《哈爾濱商業(yè)大學》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:時序數據普遍存在于許多重要應用領域,其中大多數問題的解決可歸屬為時序數據挖掘問題,時序分類是時序數據挖掘的重要研究內容之一。衡量分類性能好壞的一個重要指標是分類準確率,而提高分類準確率的方法主要有兩種:一是改進分類器;二是改進時序分類特征提取方法。針對時序分類問題,通過改進分類特征提取方法來提高分類準確率,提出一種多方法融合的時序分類特征提取方法,應用多個仿真實驗驗證了該方法的性能,并將其應用于不同領域的時序分類問題中,提高了時序分類問題的分類準確率。在對時序數據特點深入分析的基礎上,將小波、分形和統(tǒng)計三種方法相結合,提出一種多方法融合的時序分類特征提取方法。首先應用小波對原始時序數據去噪,并對去噪重構后的時序數據進行分解,計算各尺度空間上的平均高頻系數構成特征向量作為第一部分時序分類特征;然后在多尺度下對去噪重構后的時序數據進行多重分形分析,依據具體時序數據的特點和分類的需要,提取相關多重分形譜參數作為第二部分時序分類特征;再次根據不同領域時間序列的特點,提取相關時序統(tǒng)計特征作為第三部分時序分類特征;最后對上述小波、分形、統(tǒng)計方法提取的特征進行綜合分析,結合時序的自身特點和實驗結果,選擇確定最終的時序分類特征。其次,通過不同領域時序分類數據的仿真實驗驗證了該方法的性能。使用UCI數據集中的Japanese Vowels數據和Synthetic Control數據分別進行仿真實驗,通過與其他特征提取方法的多角度比較分析,驗證了本文方法的有效性和優(yōu)越性。最后,對多方法融合特征提取在不同時序分類中的應用進行研究,將該方法應用于不同時序問題,驗證了該方法在不同時序分類問題中的實用性和優(yōu)越性。將該方法應用于EEG信號分類,對來自科拉羅多州發(fā)布的EEG腦電信號分類問題展開研究,通過與以往使用相同數據進行特征提取的分類結果比較,說明了該方法在所有分類下的分類準確率均明顯高于以往方法的分類準確率;同時與其他兩種方法結合進行特征提取的分類結果對比,從結果可見,使用該方法進行EEG分類特征提取在所有分類下的分類結果均高于其他兩種分類特征提取方法結合對應的分類結果。然后將該方法應用于手部動作表面肌電信號分類,針對兩通路6個類別對應的六種基本手部動作表面肌電信號的時間序列數據,應用該方法實現(xiàn)了分類,從多角度、多層次對分類結果進行了比較分析,結果說明該方法的分類準確率不僅從整體上可以達到較高的分類精度,從各個動作分類上也能得到很好的分類結果。對多方法融合特征提取方法在不同時序分類中的應用作了初步探索。
[Abstract]:Time series data generally exist in many important application fields, and most of the problems can be attributed to time series data mining. Time series classification is one of the important research contents of time series data mining.The classification accuracy is an important index to measure the classification performance, and there are two main methods to improve the classification accuracy: one is to improve the classifier; the other is to improve the temporal classification feature extraction method.In order to solve the problem of temporal classification, an improved feature extraction method is proposed to improve the classification accuracy. A multi-method fusion method is proposed to extract the feature of temporal classification. The performance of the method is verified by several simulation experiments.It is applied to the time series classification problem in different fields, which improves the classification accuracy of the time series classification problem.On the basis of deeply analyzing the characteristics of time series data, this paper proposes a multi-method fusion time series classification feature extraction method by combining wavelet, fractal and statistical methods.Firstly, the original time series data is de-noised by wavelet transform, and the reconstructed time series data is decomposed, and the average high-frequency coefficients in each scale space are calculated as the feature vector of the first part of time series classification.Then multifractal analysis is carried out on the time series data after de-noising and reconstruction in multi-scale. According to the characteristics of specific time series data and the need of classification, the related multifractal spectrum parameters are extracted as the second part of the time series classification features.Thirdly, according to the characteristics of time series in different fields, the statistical features of correlation time series are extracted as the third part of time series classification features. Finally, the features extracted by the above wavelet, fractal and statistical methods are analyzed synthetically.Combined with the characteristics of time series and experimental results, the final time series classification features are selected.Secondly, the performance of this method is verified by simulation experiments of time series classification data in different fields.The Japanese Vowels data and Synthetic Control data in UCI dataset are used to carry out simulation experiments, and the effectiveness and superiority of this method are verified by comparing and analyzing with other feature extraction methods.The results show that the classification accuracy of this method is obviously higher than that of the previous methods, and the classification results are compared with the other two methods, and the results can be seen from the results.The classification results of EEG classification feature extraction under all classification conditions are higher than those of other two classification methods combined with corresponding classification results.Then the method is applied to the classification of EMG signals in hand action. According to the time series data of six kinds of EMG signals corresponding to six kinds of basic hand actions, the method is applied to classify the EMG signals from different angles.The results show that the classification accuracy of this method can not only reach a higher classification accuracy, but also obtain a good classification result from each action classification.The application of multi-method fusion feature extraction in different time series classification is preliminarily explored.


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