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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-03 09:01

  本文選題:P2P流量識別 切入點:早期流量 出處:《河北大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:P2P applications not only improve the quality of service, but also bring new challenges to network traffic management.The early traffic of network application contains abundant identification information.The study of early traffic identification in network application is of great significance to improve the accuracy and real-time of traffic identification. SVM (support Vector Machine) is an excellent machine learning algorithm with good learning and generalization ability.Very suitable for traffic identification applications.In this paper, the early identification of P2P traffic based on SVM is studied.The research contents of this paper include: 1.Research on P2P applications.A framework for early identification of P2P traffic based on SVM is proposed through the flexible application of relevant theories.The feasibility and effectiveness of this framework are verified by experiments to identify the traffic of several P2P applications.The preprocessing process of network data in the framework is designed. Through the steps of data acquisition, data purification, network flow restoration and feature statistics, the data conversion from capture data packet to learning sample is realized.The process of generalized recognition model of learning machine is optimized. 3. 3.The characteristics of early P2P traffic are studied, and the guiding significance of multi-connectivity, dynamic and bidirectional characteristics of early P2P traffic to feature selection is demonstrated.Three feature selection strategies based on data packet, network flow, data packet and network flow are compared experimentally.It is verified that the performance of P2P early traffic identification based on data packet and network flow hybrid features is superior to that of feature selection strategy based on data packet and network flow in accuracy, real-time and stability.More suitable for the solution of practical problems.


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